Sunday we went to church. They have shuttle parking at Dawn's church which they always ride cause Ava loves it. On the way back to the car after church Lily konked out. And I mean she had to really be konked out because we were on the back of the bus and they hit these HUGE speed bumps really hard and she stayed asleep.
Dawn's belly is getting very big but really she looks great for having twins and being this far along. If she doesn't go in to labor before, they will plan to do a c-section the first week of June. I got to feel the babies moving although the boy was more active than the girl. Pregnant bellies are just the coolest thing. If you've never been pregnant, there's NOTHING like feeling it from the inside though. It is the greatest feeling having your baby kicking around inside you!
Ava did okay with Lily. It's funny because sometimes she's so cute with her and other times she does not like her at all. We've noticed that if we're not paying attention to them, that's when Ava will be all sweet with Lily. One evening we turned around and noticed that Ava was reading one of Lily's little books to her on the floor. SO cute!! Ava does NOT like the crying or Lily accidently touching her. She would FLIP out if Lily's arm or foot hit her. Ava also doesn't like if Lily gets anything dirty (i.e. - spit up, etc.). She is in for a big awakening I think with the soon to be arrival of a new brother and sister! After the baby stage though, Ava's gonna LOVE having a brother and sister to play with.
That picture of the 4 of you is so cute... you even got Lily smiling in that one!
Thanks for putting that *awful* shot of me looking like a WHALE on here (blue shirt)!! Punk!
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