Monday, September 29

sippy cups and seperation anxiety

So I'm hoping that I have solved the sippy cup issue. I don't think I had blogged about this problem so here's the scoop. Lily has known for awhile now how to drink out of a sippy cup. We had been using the nuby ones with the soft spout because that's the ones she did the best with. The past week or two though she has been drinking out of it and then letting the water just come running out of her mouth and then spitting/blowing the rest of it. What a mess that has been! She definitely was just playing around. Yesterday I tried giving her the playtex sipster that has the hard spout and she hasn't been doing it with those! Yeah!!! It seems like every time I solve one issue though another one comes up. I don't think that's ever going to end with motherhood though! Always something to figure out. I think my next thing to tackle is her bedtime bottle. She has that right before she goes to bed so I want to try and back that up some. Tonight I am attempting to give it to her at 6:30 before bedtime routine and then bed at 7. Wish me luck!

Today was the first day that Lily REALLY showed her seperation anxiety issues. She's been like that a little bit in the past with me but nothing big. This morning when Matt left for work she got the SADDEST little face and just started pitiful crying and clinging to him. It was so sad! She did fine once he was gone though. Well then Matt came back in the middle of the day because he had forgotten his wallet and needed to get some lunch. Repeat the same thing as the morning plus it took her awhile after he left to calm down. Guess that's how much she loves her daddy!!

Well off to start our dinner and new bedtime routine for Lily!

Saturday, September 27

pointless saturday and picture updates

Today felt like a flop. I had all these plans for today and basically nothing worked out. After Lily's morning nap (which ended being later because she slept in), we went straight out to lunch because it was already close to noon. We decided to try out the new place on campus "Doc's Diner." I was really excited about it and thought it would be a really neat place to eat. Well, unfortunately I was wrong. The service was AWFUL. It took forever for us to get seated and get our meal - which is not a good thing especially when you have a 10 month old! Then on top of that the food was just plain old jane. There was definitely nothing special about it. The atmosphere was nice and it was a great design inside. Maybe they'll improve? Oh well, probably not going back there for awhile. So by the time we finally had our meal and paid, there wasn't that much time until Lily needed her afternoon nap. Back home we went.

Then of course today is one of the fluke days that Lily takes two LONG naps. Usually one of her naps will be longer and then the other one is shorter (30 minutes). So she gets up late again at like 4. We finally get ourselves to Walmart to get some groceries that we needed. Then after that trip (lynchburg walmart is never quick) we headed back home because it was time for dinner.

Wow - it not only felt like a pointless day, writing about it makes it seem even more so! That was our Saturday. Nothing much on tv tonight either so we watched more of the office season 4. We can't get enough of that show!!

Yesterday was a great day because we finally got to see Alicia and Andi after a 2 week hiatus. That's a long time for us! I love that Lily (and I) have had such a great friend this past year. It's been so much fun seeing our little girls grow! I can't wait until they can really start playing together versus just stealing each other's toys. :)

I did start thinking about Lily's first birthday party plans and guest list though today. I can't even believe that I'm starting to think about that!!! Where did my newborn 6 pound 4 ounce baby go?! She's now a walking cruising laughing beautiful 10 month old! Less than 2 months until her first birthday!

Here's a cute picture with her first minnie mouse we got on vacation:

Lily has started taking big girl baths now. She loves having a TON more room to crawl around in the water and play!!And Lily in her adorable new pj's:

Lily's light up pumpkin we got her on vacation. She LOVES it!

Thursday, September 25

where do I begin?

Wow - I can't believe that it's been 2.5 weeks since I last blogged! SO much has been going on that has prevented me from blogging or rather has not motivated me to blog until now. Two major events have occured.

First I shall start with the first week that I did not blog (the week before vacation). That was a CRAZY scary week. It all started with a small blind pimple at the edge of my nose. To skip the huge part in between it grew in to an inflammed swollen area that was infected with MRSA. For those of you that aren't familiar with MRSA - it's a type of staff infection that is resistant to certain antibiotics that are normally prescribed for infection. Somewhere in that week there was two trips to my doctor and two trips to the ER plus a whole lot of scared on top. Luckily I went to the doctor and caught it early on so it didn't get *too* bad whatever that means. It still hurt like HECK! I basically couldn't leave town until we started seeing improvement with the right antibiotic for vacation. We originally were scheduled to leave Sunday but thankfully it started to show some improvement that day so we were able to leave Monday. It took about all last week for it finally heal completely. There's still a tiny indention from the huge hole that was there but that's it. That whole week I just felt like crap and didn't even feel good with it so thus no blogging.

Then all of last week we were gone to Myrtle Beach for vacation with my parents at their timeshare. The resort was absolutely GORGEOUS and right on the ocean! The mornings and nights were so wonderful just sitting out on the balcony listening to the ocean and talking. I wish I could be on vacation all year round! Lily was such a great sport since besides nap time at the resort we were gone doing something with her in her stroller most of the time. She has always enjoyed being in her stroller out and about though. Her favorite part was definitely the pool. There was a big splash area for kids and a walk in side to the pool. We put her down in that area where it was really shallow and she just crawled around in there like a mad woman! It was SO stinkin cute - she LOVED it!! Her least favorite part was the ocean. We took her down there for the first time and the waves definitely scared her. I can't blame her though - something big and loud coming towards you isn't the most fun of things if you're a baby! Some of the things we did.... Boardwalk at the Beach, Barefoot Landing, outlet shopping, Murrells Inlet, checking out the tourist strip part of MB. We just had a blast!

Finally some new things about Lily... Our little girl is now officially 10 months old!! She LOVES to dance. Anytime that music comes on she bounces up and down and waves her arms - it's so cute! The past few days she's been screaming - not that she's mad or upset - she just likes to hear herself scream I guess. We're officially off of pureed baby food now. Lily is a table food eater now and loving it! It requires more creativity and thought on my part but she really was not in to baby food anymore. While we were in Myrtle Beach she cut one of her top teeth and the other one is about to come through now too. It's so cute to see her smile with her front tooth! She tries to climb on everything now if she can get her knees high enough. Well... I think there's more but that's all that comes to mind right now.

Matt and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary yesterday! We were ableOff to enjoy my delicious homemade dinner I made (mini meatloaves bbq style from the Kraft Magazine). Then watch the season premiere of The Office!!! Yeah!!!! I'll post pics tomorrow of vacation or you can check them all out at our picture site (

Monday, September 8

playgroup and funny lily stories

Today Lily and I went to playgroup at Kids Cove. She did a lot better today although it wasn't as incredibly loud as the last time we were there. She was clingy at first but then warmed up and took off exploring! Yeah Lily!!

Funny story: I was swishing my mouth with salt water at the kitchen sink today (I have a canker sore) and was holding Lily. When I spit the water out in to the sink she cracked up! I mean it was probably the biggest funniest laugh I have ever heard out of her. So I kept doing it for her since she thought it was so hilarious. :) And by the way.. this canker sore hurts SOO bad. It came from Lily because she grabbed the inside of my lip last week and clawed it with her fingernails.

Lily's also figured out that she can make bubbles with her spit. Not like blowing raspberries but when you get spit and open your mouth wide you can make a big one. She's been doing it the past few days and makes these funny sounds with it.

Lots to do this week in preparation for our week long vacation in Myrtle Beach. Yeah!!! I think I said that in the last post but oh well. :) Today I was able to go to Target and pick up the things tht we needed. Now just have to do laundry sometime the rest of this week and work on packing everything.

Friday, September 5


Well... I'm finally getting around to blogging. I haven't been very good the past 2 weeks, have I? I meant to do it the past two nights but BOTH nights our internet has been out for some reason. I guess they finally got the problem fixed because it was up and running today.

It has been a busy week or two so here's a recap:

First... a fun photo shoot outside. Man, we sure did make the most beautiful little girl in the whole world!! She is SO freakin adorable!
Last weekend we headed to Virginia Beach to visit our family. We stayed at Matt's parents this time and our nephew Aaron is living there currently with Missy (his mom and Matt's sister). He is about to turn 2. Lily and him had a BLAST together. It was so cute seeing them "play." They loved playing chase. Aaron would keep running around the house in a circle and Lily would try to crawl after him as fast as she could. It was SO cute! Then Aaron had this little chair that he would keep sitting at and patting beside him telling Lily to sit beside him. She would crawl over there and I would help her up sit on the seat. She loved it and would just sit and watch him. SOO adorable! I look forward to the days when our kids and our nieces and nephews are older and can really play together! I want our kids to be close with their cousins. Family is so important to us and I wish I had had a closer relationship with my cousins growing up (the few I did have!).
I threw Matt a surprise party/cookout while we were there for his graduation from Seminary. I'm just so proud of him and can't wait to see where God takes us next - hopefully SOMEWHERE cause we're ready for a change! The party was great and Matt got to see a few friends too he hadn't seen in awhile. Plus he really was surprised which was great!! Lily did pretty good with all the people. She even let some hold her! Plus she took a nap for awhile during the party so it gave me time to socialize.While we were there Matt got his mom to shave his head. He has said for awhile now that he is just gonna start shaving it cause it's easier and saves money for having to get it cut all the time! His hair grows so fast. So he finally braved up and did it. I was scared seeing his hair come off but it looks great! He looks great any way though. :)

We got back Monday since Matt had off for Labor Day. That was a LONG car ride because Lily only took a half hour nap in the car - UGH! The rest of the week has been busy even though we've been at home. Just trying to catch up with laundry, unpacking, etc. Plus this week I've been trying to research ideas for more easy table foods for Lily because she is TOTALLY not in to baby food anymore! I have to sneak in the spoon food while she's occupied with her table foods. She also will really only drink her bottle if she's holding it now. My little girl is becoming so independent!

Lily cruises along furniture better and better everyday. She's been saying "mama" A LOT more now and I really do think she uses it in context now for me. This week I've been trying to teach her how to clap - so far I've got nothing but hopefully soon!

The next few weeks - well pretty much until November feel like it's going to be a whirlwind of things going on. The most important being our vacation to Myrtle Beach next week!!! We leave not this Sunday but next. I'm SOOO excited. We haven't been on a real vacation since last summer and I'm desperate for one!! We're going with my parents and staying at their timeshare. It's this BEAUTIFUL new Marriott timeshare resort right on the beach! So we'll have built in help/babysitting too which is great!

Well.... I'm sure there's more but that will do! Just want to say congratulations to my friend Calie from high school. She had her beautiful baby girl Hannah early this morning! Welcome to the wonderful world of motherhood!

Tuesday, September 2


I'm alive... We've just been in Virginia Beach visiting family and then got home yesterday. Today was just long and I haven't felt like doing anything. I don't even feel like blogging tonight about the past few days but just wanted to let people know I haven't fallen off the face of the blogging world. I'm going to go relax and then hopefully blog tomorrow!