Wednesday, September 26

Class and Pictures

Last night we went to our second childbirth class of the series. I think Matt is now scarred for life. :) She showed us a video of a live birth - and you saw everything! They even showed the placenta being delivered - that thing is gross. We talked about the stages of labor, reviewed lamaze principles, when to go to the hospital, and practiced breathing on our floor mats. It was interesting to note that the normal amount of time that a woman pushes for during her first labor is 1-3 hours. Yes, that is correct. So those of you who watch baby story on TLC and think it comes out after just a few pushes is wrong - they deceive you! I kinda already knew this because my sister pushed for two and a half hours (!) when she had Ava but I thought it was interesting to note. We also got some more freebies which is great!

Still feeling tired and my back and hips are starting to really bother me. It's hard to sit in one position for too long! I got around to taking some more pictures of my growing belly this week. So these are of me at 32 weeks - enjoy! And yes, as you can see from the last picture, I still have my figure from the front and back thankfully!

Tuesday, September 25

32 Weeks

Yesterday I just felt awful during the day – weak, lightheaded, short of breath at times. I was scheduled to see the doctor on Wednesday but called to see if I could get in sooner sine I wasn’t feeling well. The OB doctor’s didn’t have anything available but they got me an appointment with one of the midwives at the practice. So I went in yesterday to get checked out for my normal visit and to address how I was feeling yesterday. The midwife was excellent! She took a lot more time with me and explained things in more detail to me. Matt was able to go and he really liked her as well. So on that note, I think we have decided for me to see the midwives the rest of the time and have them deliver our baby. From what I understand, the midwives are usually much more involved at the hospital versus just showing up at the very end. If there was any complications or I had to have a c-section, then they would call one of the doctor’s in.

They tested my iron levels again and they actually were back up to normal – all the way to 11.9! So that was excellent and I don’t have to take the supplement anymore. I haven’t gained any weight though from my last visit (2 weeks ago) and when she measured my uterus it was still at 30cm (what it was 2 weeks ago). It’s supposed to gradually grow of course and measure according to about what week you are (I’m 32 right now). So she said that if at my next visit in two weeks, there hasn’t been noticeable growth they would want to do an ultrasound/non-stress test to make sure the baby is doing okay and growing like she should. The midwife said that it could just be due to the fact that I am a smaller person and could be having a small baby – so I guess nothing to worry about at this point. She also encouraged me to eat a lot of small things throughout the day versus just 3 regular meals. With my stomach being crunched up and smaller, it’s important to keep it full all day long since it can’t handle huge amounts at one time. We’ll find out at my next appointment how the size is going though. Then the midwife felt around my belly to determine the positioning of the baby. This was the first time they started doing this and said that if she wasn’t in the right position they could do things to encourage her to change. I should rephrase when I said they “felt” around – it was much more like painfully push all around! She really dug in to feel all the parts – it hurt! The baby is head down though which is what she should be at this point.

I think that about covers everything about the appointment. We go again this evening for our childbirth class. My list of complaints is increasing – having to pee all the time and during the night, hips/back hurting, reflux is awful during the night, and the baby always seems to kick during the night and wake me up. But despite all my complaints, I’m so excited for her to get here!

On a side note too, my hormones must be raging. I can easily cry at anything! For example, Saturday I spilled a cup of water on the floor and just starting crying because I was upset about it. Matt thought it was funny and I get a laugh out of it too! Matt's been so supportive though and helpful especially as things are getting more uncomfortable now. I have a great husband! We celebrated our 2nd anniversary yesterday and I am so happy that our children will have a great dad like him!

Wednesday, September 19

Childbirth Class

Last night was our first childbirth class out of five sessions. Even though they teach the Lamaze technique with the class, I took it more for educational purposes about the whole birthing process. I had a great time and it was nice having my friend Alicia and her husband taking it as well.

We talked about a lot of different topics last night so it would be hard to remember everything but some of the things we covered was the basic principle of Lamaze, true labor vs. false labor, things to expect in the final trimester, the husband’s duties during labor (things for them to say and do), what to pack for the hospital, and what the hospital provides. Lamaze is a lot about the mind – not just the breathing. The instructor talked a lot about the importance of being able to relax even through the pain.

She also assigned us our daily homework/exercises that we should be doing from now until the baby comes: relaxation technique, Lamaze breathing, kegels (20/day), and squats. I didn’t realize this – but guys are supposed to be doing kegel exercises too. Even though you’re supposed to be doing kegels all the time, they’re apparently especially helpful during the birthing process if you have strengthened those muscles. And I didn’t realize this, but the instructor said that about 70% of women deliver their babies in the squatting position. She said it’s the easiest and helps you to open up even wider for the baby to come through. Besides those exercises, she wanted us to do a “bottom check” this week – HAHA! That was hilarious when she was talking about this. She wanted the women to get a mirror and sit down on the toilet this week and really look at our crotches – all the parts, how everything looks. She said most women don’t even know what they look like down there. This will be helpful for next week when she has a diagram and is drawing the different parts so you can know how you compare. I'm sure Matt will get a kick out of that. :) She said it’s also good to know how things will change and what it should return to looking like after you have the baby. Then, the funny part, she said she had a guy ask one time – “can this be a group activity?”

Matt and Alicia’s husband, Andrew, were hilarious. During the times we were practicing kegels, breathing, and the relaxation technique, it was all quiet and we were supposed to be looking at a focal point in the room while practicing. Well Matt is cracking up during it and couldn’t keep his focus on one place in the room. Which, of course, made me end up laughing. Then the guys were supposed to be looking at us while we were practicing the relaxing thing so Andrew and Matt were staring at us trying to make us laugh. It was hilarious – but you might have had to be there!

All in all, it was really good and I feel like I learned things that I didn’t know before. We go again next week and I think we will be talking about the different stages of labor. Hope this didn’t bore you too much but hey, it’s my blog isn’t it? :) Only 9 more weeks until baby gets here!!

Thursday, September 13

Baby Shower and 30 Week Check-Up

So many new things have been going on the past week! I am 30 weeks now - only 10 more weeks to go. This past weekend we went back home to Virginia Beach for my baby shower there which my sister hosted. She and my mom did an absolute fantastic job!! It was beautiful and I got lots of stuff that I needed and items that I didn't need (including AT LEAST 10 blankets, and not even the get dirty kind, mostly fancy). Most all of the clothes were pastel pink too - really, it would be nice to have a little variety! :) We really don't have to buy too many more things and no "big money" items which is wonderful! My sister made us canvas paintings for the baby room that match our bedding set - SO beautiful! I was hoping that she would be able to do that for us. Then my parents got us a glider rocker with footstool which will definitely come in handy! Matt's parents got us the travel system - stroller and car seat. And of course there were lots of other gifts but too many to name here. I will try to post some shower pictures at a later date!

Then on Monday, we went to have a 3D/4D ultrasound done with both sets of parents there. Matt's mom had offered to pay to have one done because insurance doesn't cover that. It was SO neat getting to see what our baby looks like now - she is really growing and is so adorable!! I am putting up a few pictures but if you want to see all of them you can go to :

On another side note, Matt had an interview for a part time position at a church in Chesapeake over the weekend as well. I think it went great and I could see us liking the church and fitting in there. The pastor and worship pastor were great. So I guess we will wait and see! Matt would have to have a full time job though besides that position and we were worried some about him finding something. God gave us a huge blessing though - Matt's dad will be starting a new job in November for a navy contracting company and the man that his dad reports to is also a family friend from church. He has told Matt's dad that he can hire Matt on to his team to handle some entry-level things. So we have a job opening for Matt full time if he wants it back in Virginia Beach - crazy! We are praying over everything and asking God to give us guidance as we make this big decision.

Overall, the weekend was wonderful and it was nice to have our family together, including my extended family from Maryland! We had a blast!

Yesterday I went for my 30 week checkup and finally got to meet the 3rd doctor (Uray) who is a woman. She was wonderful! Everything except my iron checked out fine. I am measuring right at 30 weeks and my weight gain is perfect. I weighed 130 in the office. They tested my hemoglobin again since it was low when they last tested and had me start on an iron supplement. Well, it was still low and actually had gone done even a bit more. So they are having me take even more iron now to try and get that level back up. Besides that, I'm doing great! My back is starting to hurt more from the weight but overall I can't complain too much. I go again in two weeks for another check-up.

I think that about covers everything here. We are working on sorting through all the many things we got from the shower and trying to get everything washed for the baby. It's crazy how many things a little baby needs! We are so excited for her to get here though and can't wait to see her and hold her!