Saturday, November 24

tired and weary

Lily Madelyn Bruns was born on November 21, 2007 at 8:22PM. She weighed 6 pounds 4 ounces and was 20 inches long. A cutie pie but wearing mom and dad out! I will post more pictures at a later date once I am functioning!

Monday, November 19

Scheduled Induction

Today we went for my non-stress test since I'm past my due date now and also to see the midwife. Our little girl didn't cooperate for a long time on the test - so it ended up taking about an hour and a half just for that! The test was good though.

My midwife did another cervical exam which was a LOT more promising this week! I was 80-90% effaced, baby's head was at station 0 (good and low), and 1CM dialated. The midwife said I was a good candidate now to be induced if we were interested - so of course we said yes to that. They have scheduled me for induction on Wednesday (21st). I will either be going in to the hospital tomorrow (Tuesday) night or Wednesday morning. I will find out tomorrow. They want me to come in again in the morning to be checked to see if I am anymore effaced/dialated at that point.

The midwife also did what is called "sweeping the membranes." Basically they put their fingers between the amniotic sac and uterus and sweep around. This helps to release prostaglandins which help to prepare the cervix. It wasn't as painful, thankfully, as last week. This is probably due to the fact that I was a lot farther along than last week.

I can hardly believe that in 2 days we will have our baby girl!! I have had a bit of every emotion I think today. Even though I knew it was near - it's becoming much more reality. Scared/nervous/excited/happy - you name it! Which I believe is quite normal.

We will keep everyone posted and of course post pictures once she is here! Be in prayer for all 3 of us!!

Sunday, November 18

39 and 40 weeks pics

Here are some pictures of my still growing big belly!

39 Weeks

40 Weeks

40 weeks and no baby

Well, my due date has officially come and gone now. Our baby girl must be liking it too much in there and doesn't want to come out. I can hardly believe that I am 40 weeks pregnant now and can technically go into labor at any point. Each day feels like an eternity and even though I know that we will definitely have a baby by next week at the latest, it still feels like a long time. We are just trying to enjoy our last few days as just the two of us before our lives change a lot!

I have been SO miserable the past few days at night. Sleeping has become no fun anymore because of how often I wake up and the pain that I have in my hips and back. I feel like they are going to crush. I will definitely be glad to not have those aches and pains anymore!

Besides that, nothing much else new. Just awaiting our little arrival! I will be going tomorrow for an appointment and a non-stress test. I will also try to remember to take a picture of me and my enormous belly to post.

Tuesday, November 13

False Alarm

Sunday evening at about 6PM, Matt and I were talking and laying on the bed. Well when I started to get up I felt like I had peed on myself - so I went to the bathroom. I put on a pantiliner and got up again. That time a WHOLE bunch of fluid came out of me uncontrollably. So Matt and I of course start freaking out because we think my water has broken. I put another pad on and it happens again in a little while. I called the midwife and she said that it sounded like my water had broken but to just come in to the hospital in the morning at 6AM because they would sleep me through the night anyways if my water had broken to see if I would start contractions on my own. Of course she said to try and get some sleep but that didn't happen. Matt and I were up the whole night.

Went to the hospital Monday morning at 6AM as instructed - all prepared and expecting to have this baby. Well, they did 2 tests to see if your water has broken and both came back negative. I hadn't leaked any since probably like midnight. They had me hooked up to the monitor and while I was there I did have some contractions but they went away and of course weren't painful yet. Nancy (the midwife) was already there with 3 other people having their babies - busy night for her! She came in and did a vaginal exam too - I was 1 cm dialated and the cervix was still thick - so she said it wouldn't work well to induce at that point anyways for the PUPPP rash because the cervix hadn't started thinning well. She said that this happens a lot and that certain ways the baby can push on can activate your bladder so you don't have control and urine can come out. So after an hour and a half at the hospital, we were sent home.

We got home around 8AM at which time I had to call the doctor's office to find out if they still wanted me to come in for my regular appointment this afternoon - to which they said yes. So we slept until about 1PM and then headed to the office. Talked with the midwife there too about it and she also said it's very common for women to come in like that and it's always better to be safe than sorry. Both Nancy and Tami (the other midwife I saw at the office) said that they themselves had that happen to them when they were pregnant - so I didn't feel so bad or stupid! I had some spotting but Tami said that is due to the vaginal exam they did at the hospital. Man - I did not realize how BAD vaginal exams hurt when they are checking you - HOLY COW! And then I hear this one woman screaming in pain from labor - I was like, oh man what did I get myself in to! :) They should have soundproof walls! If I don't go before next week, then on Monday morning I have to come in to see the midwife and have a non-stress test done and then Wednesday morning to have an ultrasound. That is routine once you are past your due date. Tami said they won't let me go past 10 days beyond my due date (Nov. 28th), about 2 weeks from now. So at least I have that end in sight - she is going to come eventually!

My work plan is to go in for the rest of the week full days for this week. Then next week I will work half days in the afternoon Monday - Wednesday since I have those longer appointments and Thursday is Thanksgiving. Then I will just be done until the baby gets here if she doesn't come by then. So for now, just trying to enjoy our rest, peace, and quiet! Because in two weeks or less, our lives will be changing a lot!

Tuesday, November 6

PUPPP Pictures

Here are some pics of the awful PUPPP (Pruritic Uticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy) rash that I have. I like how this one lady puts it on this webpage she had regarding her PUPPP rash: "uncomfortable is the understatement of the year. THIS THING SUCKS. Bites. Blows." Exactly - you can't even describe it. Anyways - let's all pray that baby girl gets here soon so this rash can go away! Since that is the only thing that will cure it!

38 Weeks Appointment

Went for my appointment yesterday afternoon. They did say my rash looked bad -not that it's harmful to the baby or me, but that it really looked like it would be giving me a fit! Which, of course, it is! She talked with one of the physicians and they prescribed me 2 medicines that should take care of the itching until I am ready to have the baby. They said it should help within 24 hours and if it doesn't, to call them. So that was good news!! She said it can continue to spread - down your arms and legs -so I'm hoping it doesn't get to that. But she said NO scratching - that makes it worse. And not to rub lotion on it cause that will make it worse too. The two prescriptions are for Atarax and Pepcid AC. They apparently are both some form of antihistamine blocker. The Atarax should really help the itching but it can make you drowsy. They are also running one other blood test to make sure the rash isn't from something else. I can't remember what the other thing is called but I think she said it's kind of like having jaundice inside. But they are 99% sure it's the PUPPP. I weighed 138.6 - 24 pound weight gain. Guess we'll see whether I hit that 140 mark or not. Everything else is going great. I think next week at my appointment they might do a vaginal exam for dilation, effacement, etc.

On a follow up note as of this morning... I took the two medicines last night at about 4:30PM, Matt and I went to dinner, and then after I came back I took another baking soda bath. Well, after that I was feeling SOO drowsy. I laid down on the couch at about 6:30PM and was out until this morning. So there is no way that I would be able to take that during the day or I would not be able to function. It also didn't relieve the itching unfortunately. When I would rouse, I still felt it. So I have put in a call to the office this morning to let them know and see if there's any other recommendations for me.

Only 11 days now until my due date though. So that is VERY exciting!!

Monday, November 5

PUPPP and an Ultrasound

Let me start off by saying that PUPPP (pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy) is the most awful itching you will ever experience in your life! It is a hive-type reaction that usually begins in you third trimester and first is noticeable on your abdomen. It can also spread though to your legs and butt. It isn’t dangerous, thankfully, but it will drive you crazy. The only cure for the rash is to have the baby too.

Last week I talked to the midwife about solutions for the itching and she suggested several things (Aveeno lotion, hydrocortisone cream, and Benadryl). Well since then, the itching has really set in HARD. I’ve tried all 3 of those, nothing helps the itching. I’ve also tried cold, heat, blowing air on it, etc. Everything I could think of! The benadryl has helped me to fall asleep at night. I got to my breaking point though last night and ended up calling the midwife to see if there was ANY other things I could try. The only other thing she suggested besides those was taking a baking soda bath. Besides that, having the baby is the only thing that’s really going to help. She said that if the itching is still really bad by next week (39 weeks), that we could talk about medically inducing me. The hospital won’t let them induce before then though unless there is a true need. They are also going to have one of the doctor’s take a look at it this afternoon at my appointment. So that has been my life – itch, itch, itch. You’re also not supposed to scratch it because that makes it worse and can spread it even more.

We went for an ultrasound on Friday. Everything looked great – amniotic fluid levels were good, baby was in good position and low down in my pelvis. They estimated her weight at 6 pounds 3 ounces and said that if I went full term (40 weeks), I would probably have about a 7.5 pound baby. So right on target.

Besides that, time is just dragging by. We are both very ready for her to get here, especially me! I can hardly believe that I am 38 weeks now. It really is very close even though it doesn’t seem like it! Matt can’t believe how big my belly is now – it’s weird seeing this huge belly hanging off my little body!

Thursday, November 1


I think I definitely have “dropped.” My belly feels like it weighs A LOT more and so much heavier lower down. I’ve had two times this week where I felt like a menstrual cramp – which is a good sign I guess that my body is getting ready. And my belly tightens up at times which I *think* are Braxton hicks – I have a hard time telling whether it’s just the position she’s in or not.

Sleeping is SO miserable – just trying to turn over is like the hugest chore. You wouldn't think that something that simple would be such a huge task! I think I wake up whenever I have to turn over and then of course to go pee at night!

On another fun note. My friend Alicia (who was due after me!) had her baby on Tuesday. Matt and I got to go and visit with them at the hospital yesterday. They named her Andi Grace and she weighed only 4 pounds 13 ounces - SO small and SO adorable. She had a planned c-section due to some other complications she was having. It was so great to get to hold a little brand new baby. Definitely made me want to hold ours! We're so excited! Only 16 more days until my due date!

I go tomorrow for an ultrasound so I will post again to let everyone know how things go with that! Keep praying for all of us!