Sunday, August 29

lily things

I feel like this past month has been a real turning point for Lily. She seems to have "grown up" and changed so much! I've been trying to jot down things that I want to remember at this point in her life. Might be disjointed for reading but the whole purpose of this blog is to have our memories recorded... so here goes:

Lily recently got her first board game - Candy Land! A classic and one of my favorites. She actually does pretty well with it although doesn't quite have the patience yet if it takes too long.

Most times when she is singing ring around the rosy she sings the chorus like this "lettuce lettuce we all fall down." I have no clue where she picked that up from but it's hilarious!

Lily can draw really good circles and lines now and is attempting to draw other things like a stick person. She can recognize a lot of letters now including L, Y, O, A, B, and S.

She will "read" books to me now and it's so cute hearing her turn the pages and make up the story as she goes. She actually is pretty right on with books that we read a lot.

Lily loves to pretend to play ghosts or as she calls it "ghosted." I'm pretty sure she has picked up on wanting to play this from her cousin Aaron. Her imagination has really taken off and she is pretending/imagining lots of things now.

She LOVES to dance and put on shows for us! Most times she likes using this backyardigans radio player thing to dance to. She will name her dances that she comes up with too - my favorites are the pointy dance and the princess dance!

After we have family Bible and prayer time in the evening, Lily likes to play woodpecker. It's not really a game but she came up with pretending that there is woodpeckers in the room and we point to them and describe what they look like. She also just likes to shout the word woodpecker together. Crazy, I know! :)

One night during prayer time, Matt asked her what she wanted Jesus to help her with. Her response: my hello kitty puzzle. :) Most times she wants to pray for her sister, too sweet! At mealtimes she has started saying her own prayer versus the traditional "God is great" prayer. One night she prayed "dear Jesus, thank you for my family and my food, amen."

Still working on potty training. Never thought it would take this long! She has good and bad days in that department but we'll get there eventually.

Can't believe my first baby girl is starting preschool at our church in just a little over a week! She'll be going 2 mornings a week so it's not a lot but still bittersweet for me. I know she is going to love it though because she loves going to sunday school. And she is going to have a wonderful teacher too!

Finally... got Lily's haircut this past week and it's ADORABLE!!! It desperately needed it because the top layer was getting out of control and longer than the underneath so it was weighing everything down. We went to this cute kids haircut place called Pigtails and Crewcuts. She loved it! Here's a picture of my sweet girl:

Monday, August 16

one month of maribel

Dear Maribel,

You turned one month on Saturday and I can hardly believe it! I always worried when I was pregnant with you about having enough love for two children instead of just one. Boy was I wrong. I can't imagine our family without you. I have fallen head over heals in love with you! The past month has been a whirlwind and you're already growing so much!

There are so many things that I love about you but here are a few. I love how you smile as a reflex when I kiss your cheek. I love your sweet face as your asleep on my chest. I love that you have your dad's hairline right now. :) I love your adorable cute perfect nose. I love when you stare at me and move your mouth like you just want a noise to come out of it. I love how your head bobbles when I'm holding you up. I love how you squeak in your sleep sometimes. I love your little feet. I love how you smell.

Most of all... I just love YOU Maribel! I'm so thankful that God has blessed me with such a sweet little baby girl as you.
