Tuesday, November 13

False Alarm

Sunday evening at about 6PM, Matt and I were talking and laying on the bed. Well when I started to get up I felt like I had peed on myself - so I went to the bathroom. I put on a pantiliner and got up again. That time a WHOLE bunch of fluid came out of me uncontrollably. So Matt and I of course start freaking out because we think my water has broken. I put another pad on and it happens again in a little while. I called the midwife and she said that it sounded like my water had broken but to just come in to the hospital in the morning at 6AM because they would sleep me through the night anyways if my water had broken to see if I would start contractions on my own. Of course she said to try and get some sleep but that didn't happen. Matt and I were up the whole night.

Went to the hospital Monday morning at 6AM as instructed - all prepared and expecting to have this baby. Well, they did 2 tests to see if your water has broken and both came back negative. I hadn't leaked any since probably like midnight. They had me hooked up to the monitor and while I was there I did have some contractions but they went away and of course weren't painful yet. Nancy (the midwife) was already there with 3 other people having their babies - busy night for her! She came in and did a vaginal exam too - I was 1 cm dialated and the cervix was still thick - so she said it wouldn't work well to induce at that point anyways for the PUPPP rash because the cervix hadn't started thinning well. She said that this happens a lot and that certain ways the baby can push on can activate your bladder so you don't have control and urine can come out. So after an hour and a half at the hospital, we were sent home.

We got home around 8AM at which time I had to call the doctor's office to find out if they still wanted me to come in for my regular appointment this afternoon - to which they said yes. So we slept until about 1PM and then headed to the office. Talked with the midwife there too about it and she also said it's very common for women to come in like that and it's always better to be safe than sorry. Both Nancy and Tami (the other midwife I saw at the office) said that they themselves had that happen to them when they were pregnant - so I didn't feel so bad or stupid! I had some spotting but Tami said that is due to the vaginal exam they did at the hospital. Man - I did not realize how BAD vaginal exams hurt when they are checking you - HOLY COW! And then I hear this one woman screaming in pain from labor - I was like, oh man what did I get myself in to! :) They should have soundproof walls! If I don't go before next week, then on Monday morning I have to come in to see the midwife and have a non-stress test done and then Wednesday morning to have an ultrasound. That is routine once you are past your due date. Tami said they won't let me go past 10 days beyond my due date (Nov. 28th), about 2 weeks from now. So at least I have that end in sight - she is going to come eventually!

My work plan is to go in for the rest of the week full days for this week. Then next week I will work half days in the afternoon Monday - Wednesday since I have those longer appointments and Thursday is Thanksgiving. Then I will just be done until the baby gets here if she doesn't come by then. So for now, just trying to enjoy our rest, peace, and quiet! Because in two weeks or less, our lives will be changing a lot!

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