Monday, November 5

PUPPP and an Ultrasound

Let me start off by saying that PUPPP (pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy) is the most awful itching you will ever experience in your life! It is a hive-type reaction that usually begins in you third trimester and first is noticeable on your abdomen. It can also spread though to your legs and butt. It isn’t dangerous, thankfully, but it will drive you crazy. The only cure for the rash is to have the baby too.

Last week I talked to the midwife about solutions for the itching and she suggested several things (Aveeno lotion, hydrocortisone cream, and Benadryl). Well since then, the itching has really set in HARD. I’ve tried all 3 of those, nothing helps the itching. I’ve also tried cold, heat, blowing air on it, etc. Everything I could think of! The benadryl has helped me to fall asleep at night. I got to my breaking point though last night and ended up calling the midwife to see if there was ANY other things I could try. The only other thing she suggested besides those was taking a baking soda bath. Besides that, having the baby is the only thing that’s really going to help. She said that if the itching is still really bad by next week (39 weeks), that we could talk about medically inducing me. The hospital won’t let them induce before then though unless there is a true need. They are also going to have one of the doctor’s take a look at it this afternoon at my appointment. So that has been my life – itch, itch, itch. You’re also not supposed to scratch it because that makes it worse and can spread it even more.

We went for an ultrasound on Friday. Everything looked great – amniotic fluid levels were good, baby was in good position and low down in my pelvis. They estimated her weight at 6 pounds 3 ounces and said that if I went full term (40 weeks), I would probably have about a 7.5 pound baby. So right on target.

Besides that, time is just dragging by. We are both very ready for her to get here, especially me! I can hardly believe that I am 38 weeks now. It really is very close even though it doesn’t seem like it! Matt can’t believe how big my belly is now – it’s weird seeing this huge belly hanging off my little body!

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