Monday, September 29

sippy cups and seperation anxiety

So I'm hoping that I have solved the sippy cup issue. I don't think I had blogged about this problem so here's the scoop. Lily has known for awhile now how to drink out of a sippy cup. We had been using the nuby ones with the soft spout because that's the ones she did the best with. The past week or two though she has been drinking out of it and then letting the water just come running out of her mouth and then spitting/blowing the rest of it. What a mess that has been! She definitely was just playing around. Yesterday I tried giving her the playtex sipster that has the hard spout and she hasn't been doing it with those! Yeah!!! It seems like every time I solve one issue though another one comes up. I don't think that's ever going to end with motherhood though! Always something to figure out. I think my next thing to tackle is her bedtime bottle. She has that right before she goes to bed so I want to try and back that up some. Tonight I am attempting to give it to her at 6:30 before bedtime routine and then bed at 7. Wish me luck!

Today was the first day that Lily REALLY showed her seperation anxiety issues. She's been like that a little bit in the past with me but nothing big. This morning when Matt left for work she got the SADDEST little face and just started pitiful crying and clinging to him. It was so sad! She did fine once he was gone though. Well then Matt came back in the middle of the day because he had forgotten his wallet and needed to get some lunch. Repeat the same thing as the morning plus it took her awhile after he left to calm down. Guess that's how much she loves her daddy!!

Well off to start our dinner and new bedtime routine for Lily!

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