Saturday, April 19

sitting in a hotel

Lily is napping in her pack'n'play at the hotel as we speak. The room is a great setup because it has this partial wall divider for the sitting area. I think it will work good for tonight as long as people in the hall aren't too loud!! As she's been napping I've heard doors slamming and this group of middle school girl basketball players running down the hall - yippee skippee. But thankfully she stayed asleep. Hoping she does the same tonight.

Lunch with the couple from the church went good. They were very nice and I enjoyed their company. Matt is at a meeting with the search committee as we speak. After we go to church tomorrow I think I'll be able to have a better feeling about whether this is for us or not. Granted, they would have to offer it to him first. I do actually like the area -not too country and there's plenty of stuff around - stores, restaurants, etc. If he was offered this, there would still be another decision to make though from there about the "if's" at Suburban (our church back in virginia beach). Anyways, jumping ahead of the game though. God will point us in the right direction whatever that may be.

Lily the past two days has really gotten better at the whole thumb sucking thing. She's actually really found the thumb alone and has sucked on it which is very cute - although I know it can be a bad habit to break later on, it's actually nice when they're little to be able to use that versus a pacifier.

I was talking to my sister this morning and we are planning to go and visit them next weekend so I told her to ask Ava (our niece) if she wanted Lily to come and visit her. She said "well is she grown up yet?" HAHA! Ava just wants her to be able to play with her and Lily obviously can't do that yet. :) She will soon though before we know it! We're making one more trip down there before the twins arrive as life will totally change for the Mendez household after they are born! I'm SO excited to meet them though and hold them. Holding a brand new little baby in the family is so wonderful and this time I can hold two at the same time - twice the fun!!! Lily will have 4 cousins to play with then! When did we all grow up?!

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