Tuesday, April 8

march madness bracket and naps

So I lost in the march madness pool at matt's work by one person! ARGH! I thought I had it made until the final 4 at which time BOTH of the teams I chose to go to the championship lost. Oh well. I still won the pool on facebook so that's good, but no money!

The real reason for writing this post is that I had to say that Lily took a 1.5 hour nap yesterday afternoon (NO waking in between), and this morning she just finished a 1 hour 15 minute nap. Yeah!! I don't know if this will remain a trend or not but if it does that would be great. I've been hoping she would move herself to longer naps than just 30 minutes once I got her on a nap schedule.

Off to get my baby up and then take my hubby in to work today.

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