Monday, March 31

new schedule

Nights with Lily have been going great since we started the new schedule and cry it out. I give her a bath, put on her pj's, she has her bottle, and then I put her down in her crib awake. If she does fuss it's only for a minute or two before she's asleep. Then I feed her and change her at 11. The second night she woke up at 5:30 crying/fussing for a bit but that was later than the previous night. And then this morning she didn't wake until 7 when she normally gets up. Yeah!! So I feel like we have the night thing more under control now.

Naps are still a different story. If she's tired, then she goes to sleep fine on her own. I just have not been good about being on a schedule with her and trying more to follow whatever she wants. From everything I have read and everyone I have talked to, I need to (as the parent) guide her into a sleep schedule. It's hard to tell sometimes when she needs to nap too. She really needs to be taking 3 naps a day at this point. So I have decided to do naps at 9, 1, and 5. The 9 and 1 one need to be at least an hour long and the 5PM one can be however long she sleeps (usually a half hour). The evening one is usually the one they drop first since it's shorter. So this week might be interesting trying to force her to sleep only at those times. But I think it will work well once we get her accustomed to it. She's just gotten use to napping at odd different times for different amounts so it's going to take some work.

Lily has gotten VERY interested in her legs/feet. She is always wanting to touch them, play with them, eat them. :) It's SO cute though. Even when I have her sitting up supported, she wants to lean over and go right for them!

When we went out to the store again yesterday, I used the bjorn for Lily. I can't believe how well that things works and how much she likes it. The only thing is, it gets to your back after a little while. It also takes some getting use to cause it feels funny carrying a baby on the front of you. Now that we are trying to have her sleep only at certain times and in her crib, this can work better since I know she won't/shouldn't need to sleep while we're out. I love how so many people stop and say how cute she is, etc. It makes me proud! Matt and I made that little cutie!!

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