Sunday, March 23

Happy Easter!!

It's Easter Sunday!!! A lot has gone on in the past few days here in my world. Friday we drove to Virginia Beach for a long weekend with family. Saturday was BEAUTIFUL weather so we took Lily out for a walk which she loves and then I got to do some shopping while my mom watched Lily. Matt got to go to a movie and lunch with his dad and brother - got in some male bonding time. Then Saturday evening we had dinner with my dad's side of the family who drove in from Maryland for Lily's dedication. I always have such a good time with them and really enjoy when we are all able to get together! My 2nd cousin, Rachael, is a hoot!! She LOVES babies so she loved little Lily and was just in awe of her. It was so cute! Unlike my niece Ava who doesn't like her very much because she can't "play" yet and cries.

Today was a big day. It was, of course, Easter service at church and Lily's dedication. As I figured, Lily was due for a nap right when we were to go up front so she's screaming her little head off in front of the church. :) Oh well! She was SO adorable in her little white dress. My "older" and "newer" best friends (as Matt calls them), also known as Sarah and Tara, were both able to be there which was SO great! After the service, our moms had organized a luncheon for some of our close friends and family. It was a great time and besides Lily wailing her head off in front of the church, she did great! We're also going to have her dedicated at our church in Lynchburg in a few weeks (april 13th).

In other news, the pastor at our old church that our parents go to (Suburban) told the church he was going to retire in June. He's been at the church for over 30 years I believe so this is a big thing. The church has been going through some turmoil so it was a wise decision (I believe) on his part to let someone new come in and hopefully get a fresh start for the church. He will be missed though. The *assumption* that I think a lot of people have is that the current youth pastor there, Todd Haynes, will take over the pastorate position. I think that would be ideal. He's a great preacher and would probably be able to do really good things for the church. If that does end up happening, I think Matt will apply for the youth pastor position there. It's really been his dream ever since he was a teenager to be the youth pastor there. He also really enjoys Todd and I think would be able to learn a lot from him. Anyways, there's some things that I'm not so sure about with that idea but it's Matt's dream and I would never deny him of that. Anyways - that's a long ways from happening and Todd might not even take the pastoral position, but we'll see.

Needless to say, it's been a busy weekend. Tomorrow is Matt's birthday! He'll be celebrating his quarter of a century (25). We'll be going to dinner with Matt's family for that.

Happy Easter everyone! I'm so thankful for what this day means to me and hopefully what it means to you too! Jesus is ALIVE and RISEN!!

P.S. - I am trying to post pics from today but apparently blogger won't let me upload pictures at the moment. So more to come later!

1 comment:

The Tylers said...

I'm so glad we got to be there! I miss you guys so much and I wish we could see you more often. Lily is beautiful and she is a lucky little girl to have such wonderful parents who will show her what it means to live her life for God!