Friday, March 7

Birthday Time

So today is my 25th birthday. I'm halfway to 50 (when I put it that way it sounds awful!). My parents were here yesterday and today. This morning we went to Bob Evans for breakfast for my birthday, where else when my parents are here? Haha - only a few of you will understand this. If you don't, you're not missing out! :) I got a new outfit from my parents for my birthday and Matt got me a bluetooth headset that I wanted. Matt's been sick so he's home today which has been nice having him around even though I don't wish sickness upon him! Matt's parents will be here this evening. So lots of family today for my birthday. It's been good so far though.

Miss Lily has started blowing raspberries! Matt finally got her to do it copying him - it was so cute. And another first for today - I got her to go to sleep on her own in her crib on her BACK! AH! For those of you familiar with her sleep habits, she has only been able to sleep in her crib for naps on her tummy so far and keeps waking herself up and me having to go her the paci back. Not a good napper unfortunately. So this afternoon before she got fussy I laid her down underneath her mobile and let her watch that for awhile. She eventually took her pacifier and has gone to sleep. It's only been 8 minutes so far though - so I guess I'll see how this goes! Usually she wakes herself up with her arms flailing when she's on her back.

I would love to get her to the point where she doesn't need to be swaddled at night either, but for now it helps her to sleep so that's good. I've heard around 4 months is a good time to break them of the swaddle and hopefully she will have better control over her arms at that point. I think eventually I'm going to do the "cry it out" method with her. I'll probably go cold turkey at night with the swaddle and just let her cry but not until she's at least 4 months is what I've read you should do.

Off to go try and get my bluetooth headset set up. :) Then pick up a bit before Matt's parents get here tonight.

1 comment:

The Tylers said...

Halfway to 50 does sounds pretty awful.... but I will still love you when you are 50. :) When we are all 50 we should have a big get-together and replay some of the things we did in college.... haha.