Saturday, November 24
tired and weary
Monday, November 19
Scheduled Induction
My midwife did another cervical exam which was a LOT more promising this week! I was 80-90% effaced, baby's head was at station 0 (good and low), and 1CM dialated. The midwife said I was a good candidate now to be induced if we were interested - so of course we said yes to that. They have scheduled me for induction on Wednesday (21st). I will either be going in to the hospital tomorrow (Tuesday) night or Wednesday morning. I will find out tomorrow. They want me to come in again in the morning to be checked to see if I am anymore effaced/dialated at that point.
The midwife also did what is called "sweeping the membranes." Basically they put their fingers between the amniotic sac and uterus and sweep around. This helps to release prostaglandins which help to prepare the cervix. It wasn't as painful, thankfully, as last week. This is probably due to the fact that I was a lot farther along than last week.
I can hardly believe that in 2 days we will have our baby girl!! I have had a bit of every emotion I think today. Even though I knew it was near - it's becoming much more reality. Scared/nervous/excited/happy - you name it! Which I believe is quite normal.
We will keep everyone posted and of course post pictures once she is here! Be in prayer for all 3 of us!!
Sunday, November 18
39 and 40 weeks pics
40 weeks and no baby
I have been SO miserable the past few days at night. Sleeping has become no fun anymore because of how often I wake up and the pain that I have in my hips and back. I feel like they are going to crush. I will definitely be glad to not have those aches and pains anymore!
Besides that, nothing much else new. Just awaiting our little arrival! I will be going tomorrow for an appointment and a non-stress test. I will also try to remember to take a picture of me and my enormous belly to post.
Tuesday, November 13
False Alarm
Sunday evening at about 6PM, Matt and I were talking and laying on the bed. Well when I started to get up I felt like I had peed on myself - so I went to the bathroom. I put on a pantiliner and got up again. That time a WHOLE bunch of fluid came out of me uncontrollably. So Matt and I of course start freaking out because we think my water has broken. I put another pad on and it happens again in a little while. I called the midwife and she said that it sounded like my water had broken but to just come in to the hospital in the morning at 6AM because they would sleep me through the night anyways if my water had broken to see if I would start contractions on my own. Of course she said to try and get some sleep but that didn't happen. Matt and I were up the whole night.
Went to the hospital Monday morning at 6AM as instructed - all prepared and expecting to have this baby. Well, they did 2 tests to see if your water has broken and both came back negative. I hadn't leaked any since probably like midnight. They had me hooked up to the monitor and while I was there I did have some contractions but they went away and of course weren't painful yet. Nancy (the midwife) was already there with 3 other people having their babies - busy night for her! She came in and did a vaginal exam too - I was 1 cm dialated and the cervix was still thick - so she said it wouldn't work well to induce at that point anyways for the PUPPP rash because the cervix hadn't started thinning well. She said that this happens a lot and that certain ways the baby can push on can activate your bladder so you don't have control and urine can come out. So after an hour and a half at the hospital, we were sent home.
We got home around 8AM at which time I had to call the doctor's office to find out if they still wanted me to come in for my regular appointment this afternoon - to which they said yes. So we slept until about 1PM and then headed to the office. Talked with the midwife there too about it and she also said it's very common for women to come in like that and it's always better to be safe than sorry. Both Nancy and Tami (the other midwife I saw at the office) said that they themselves had that happen to them when they were pregnant - so I didn't feel so bad or stupid! I had some spotting but Tami said that is due to the vaginal exam they did at the hospital. Man - I did not realize how BAD vaginal exams hurt when they are checking you - HOLY COW! And then I hear this one woman screaming in pain from labor - I was like, oh man what did I get myself in to! :) They should have soundproof walls! If I don't go before next week, then on Monday morning I have to come in to see the midwife and have a non-stress test done and then Wednesday morning to have an ultrasound. That is routine once you are past your due date. Tami said they won't let me go past 10 days beyond my due date (Nov. 28th), about 2 weeks from now. So at least I have that end in sight - she is going to come eventually!
My work plan is to go in for the rest of the week full days for this week. Then next week I will work half days in the afternoon Monday - Wednesday since I have those longer appointments and Thursday is Thanksgiving. Then I will just be done until the baby gets here if she doesn't come by then. So for now, just trying to enjoy our rest, peace, and quiet! Because in two weeks or less, our lives will be changing a lot!
Tuesday, November 6
PUPPP Pictures
38 Weeks Appointment
Went for my appointment yesterday afternoon. They did say my rash looked bad -not that it's harmful to the baby or me, but that it really looked like it would be giving me a fit! Which, of course, it is! She talked with one of the physicians and they prescribed me 2 medicines that should take care of the itching until I am ready to have the baby. They said it should help within 24 hours and if it doesn't, to call them. So that was good news!! She said it can continue to spread - down your arms and legs -so I'm hoping it doesn't get to that. But she said NO scratching - that makes it worse. And not to rub lotion on it cause that will make it worse too. The two prescriptions are for Atarax and Pepcid AC. They apparently are both some form of antihistamine blocker. The Atarax should really help the itching but it can make you drowsy. They are also running one other blood test to make sure the rash isn't from something else. I can't remember what the other thing is called but I think she said it's kind of like having jaundice inside. But they are 99% sure it's the PUPPP. I weighed 138.6 - 24 pound weight gain. Guess we'll see whether I hit that 140 mark or not. Everything else is going great. I think next week at my appointment they might do a vaginal exam for dilation, effacement, etc.
On a follow up note as of this morning... I took the two medicines last night at about 4:30PM, Matt and I went to dinner, and then after I came back I took another baking soda bath. Well, after that I was feeling SOO drowsy. I laid down on the couch at about 6:30PM and was out until this morning. So there is no way that I would be able to take that during the day or I would not be able to function. It also didn't relieve the itching unfortunately. When I would rouse, I still felt it. So I have put in a call to the office this morning to let them know and see if there's any other recommendations for me.
Only 11 days now until my due date though. So that is VERY exciting!!
Monday, November 5
PUPPP and an Ultrasound
Last week I talked to the midwife about solutions for the itching and she suggested several things (Aveeno lotion, hydrocortisone cream, and Benadryl). Well since then, the itching has really set in HARD. I’ve tried all 3 of those, nothing helps the itching. I’ve also tried cold, heat, blowing air on it, etc. Everything I could think of! The benadryl has helped me to fall asleep at night. I got to my breaking point though last night and ended up calling the midwife to see if there was ANY other things I could try. The only other thing she suggested besides those was taking a baking soda bath. Besides that, having the baby is the only thing that’s really going to help. She said that if the itching is still really bad by next week (39 weeks), that we could talk about medically inducing me. The hospital won’t let them induce before then though unless there is a true need. They are also going to have one of the doctor’s take a look at it this afternoon at my appointment. So that has been my life – itch, itch, itch. You’re also not supposed to scratch it because that makes it worse and can spread it even more.
We went for an ultrasound on Friday. Everything looked great – amniotic fluid levels were good, baby was in good position and low down in my pelvis. They estimated her weight at 6 pounds 3 ounces and said that if I went full term (40 weeks), I would probably have about a 7.5 pound baby. So right on target.
Besides that, time is just dragging by. We are both very ready for her to get here, especially me! I can hardly believe that I am 38 weeks now. It really is very close even though it doesn’t seem like it! Matt can’t believe how big my belly is now – it’s weird seeing this huge belly hanging off my little body!
Thursday, November 1
Sleeping is SO miserable – just trying to turn over is like the hugest chore. You wouldn't think that something that simple would be such a huge task! I think I wake up whenever I have to turn over and then of course to go pee at night!
On another fun note. My friend Alicia (who was due after me!) had her baby on Tuesday. Matt and I got to go and visit with them at the hospital yesterday. They named her Andi Grace and she weighed only 4 pounds 13 ounces - SO small and SO adorable. She had a planned c-section due to some other complications she was having. It was so great to get to hold a little brand new baby. Definitely made me want to hold ours! We're so excited! Only 16 more days until my due date!
I go tomorrow for an ultrasound so I will post again to let everyone know how things go with that! Keep praying for all of us!
Monday, October 29
37 Weeks and Full Term!
We talked about my itchy stretch marks. They are SOOO incredibly itchy - I literally could not get to sleep last night for a long time because they itched so bad. She said there's unfortunately not a lot you can do for that. She suggested using Aveeno lotion that has oatmeal in it. She also said I could rub a little hydrocortisone cream on there as well if I needed to.
I am full term now (although my due date isn't for another 3 weeks) so I can go anytime and it will be fine. We talked some about things you can try to help soften the cervix and release the hormone that supposedly helps to bring on labor. She said that taking evening primrose oil has really helped a lot of women and also rasberry tea leaf (helps to get some contractions going). So I can start trying both of those.
I asked about whether they do vaginal exams and she said they don't really unless there's a need because there is no way to indicate how far away labor is from that. She said some women can be 3-4 cm for several weeks and others who aren't dilated at all can literally go the next day. So there's really no need to do them. At 39 weeks (2 weeks from now), she said that they can start doing membrane checks. Basically what they do is stick their finger up inside the cervix and rub around underneath the amniotic sac which will help to also soften the cervix and help with bringing on more contractions. They don't let anyone go beyond 2 weeks past their due date.
Once I turn 40 weeks, they will have me come in twice a week to see the midwife and also to have a non-stress test and ultrasound to make sure amniotic fluid level is good and baby is in no distress.
The baby's head is still in place well - right down in the center of my pelvis. I'll be having an ultrasound this Friday - they want to check the baby's actual position, amniotic fluid levels, and fetal growth. Matt is taking the day off on Friday so he will be able to go too.
Well - I think that's about it - enough for one appointment, right?!
Tuesday, October 23
Time is slowing...
Last week we had our last childbirth class and got our certificate of completion - yeah for us! Apparently we are officially ready for childbirth now - guess we'll see! We also took a tour of the birth center at the hospital. It is really nice and the rooms are great - all private. I get room service with whatever I want to eat off the menu 24 hours a day - yeah! I'm also the geek who asked if there was wireless internet available in the rooms. There is so that means Matt can bring the laptop and hopefully post a few pics and news of her birth! Her picture will also be posted on the hospital's website:
All I can say is I am ready to have her! Ready to get rid of all the aches and pains in my hips/lower back. Ready to get rid of my heartburn. And most importantly, ready to see her and hold her! She's been so active and her movements at times are REALLY noticeable. You should see my belly jumping out and her contourting it in all these weird positions! It's SO crazy to really think that there is a real baby living inside there!
Monday, October 15
35 Weeks and Car Seat
Tuesday, October 9
34 Weeks
The appointment went well. I made up for the 2 pounds I didn’t gain last time – I gained 4 pounds the past two weeks so I know weigh a whopping 134 (total gain of 20 pounds). My uterus is growing well too – measured 33cm this week – so only one week off my actual time (34). Mary said that I am definitely just having a smaller baby which will have part to do with that – and that on both ultrasounds the baby was on the 22nd percentile – so smaller but she said still completely healthy and fine. She felt around to see what position the baby was in again – man, does that feel uncomfortable! Her head is down but is off to my right side/pelvis area. So she still needs to move around and have her head in the center but she has a little time to do so. I start going every week now – so another appointment next Monday (it’s getting much closer!).
On a side note, sleeping through the night is now a distant memory for awhile I guess! There’s always something that keeps waking me up in the nights – and that then usually wakes Matt up too. We decided that it must be getting us ready for having the baby and not getting straight through sleep!
Monday, October 8
My Prayer
One of the gifts that I got though from Tara was a cd called "Sing Over Me: Worship Songs and Lullabies." Most of the songs are worship songs you have probably heard but in a lullaby form/sound. It is just SO beautiful and peaceful to listen to. You should definitely check it out. One of the songs I had never heard on it was called "Hold on to Jesus." What a beautiful sweet song - it makes me want to cry listening to it because it is our desire for our little baby girl. There is nothing more I could ask for then for our little girl to love God and want to hold on to Him through the good and bad times. There will be hard times for her because of the fallen world we live in and I can't protect her from those, but God can ALWAYS be there and help her through. I pray for our baby girl every morning on my way to work and this has become part of my prayer. I'm posting the lyrics to the song but you should listen to it if you get a chance! Thank you to everyone who already remembers our little girl in your prayers - that's the most important thing you can do! I'll post again later because I go for another check-up today with the midwife. Here's the lyrics:
You’re a little piece of heaven
You’re a golden ray of light
And I wish I could protect you
From the worries of this life
But if there’s one thing I could tell you
It’s no matter what you do
Hold to Jesus He’s holding on to you
The world will try to tell you
That might is more than right
That beauty’s on the outside
And being good’s a losing fight
But remember what I’ve told you
Because the world will make you choose
Hold to Jesus He’s holding on to you
Hold on to Jesus
Cling to His love
Rest deep in His mercy
Whenever things get rough
Don’t lose sight of His goodness
And don’t ever doubt this truth
That when you hold on to Jesus
He’s holding on to you
Hear me dear Jesus
Rock this little one to sleep
Keep her close when she’s scared
And give her grace when she is weak
I know she’ll stumble
But I know she’ll make it through
If You hold to her just like You said You’d do
Hold her, Jesus
So she’ll hold on tight to You
Thursday, October 4
Heartburn, Backaches, and Class
We have finally finished up the nursery (well, almost). The only thing left I want to do is to buy wall letters for her name to hang up. I'll take pictures soon to be able to post of how everything looks. I just love our bedding set and I am glad we decided to do the "girly" option!
We had childbirth class again last night. We reviewed everything we had talked about so far and the stages of labor. Then she talked about your water breaking - how it can happen, what they do if they need to break it. Watched 4 more live births - AAHH! :) The video was discussing the different types of birth - natural, epidural, c-section, twins, etc. Then we did breathing exercises and talked a little bit about epidurals. Next week is when we will really get in to that discussion and she will talk about the pros/cons of epidurals. It kind of stinks that you can't get out of bed and move around if you have an epidural, but I think the benefits of pain relief will definitely outweigh that factor.
On a side note, my sister had two embryos implanted in her uterus yesterday for the IVF process. Be in prayer for her and that at least one of these embryos will hang on and attach to the uterus! I would LOVE to have another niece or nephew! Results will be in two weeks.
Our baby girl is moving around a lot still and we're just so excited for her to get here. I can't wait to see what she looks like and hold her. It seems like the next 6 1/2 weeks are going to go by slowly!
Wednesday, September 26
Class and Pictures
Tuesday, September 25
32 Weeks
They tested my iron levels again and they actually were back up to normal – all the way to 11.9! So that was excellent and I don’t have to take the supplement anymore. I haven’t gained any weight though from my last visit (2 weeks ago) and when she measured my uterus it was still at 30cm (what it was 2 weeks ago). It’s supposed to gradually grow of course and measure according to about what week you are (I’m 32 right now). So she said that if at my next visit in two weeks, there hasn’t been noticeable growth they would want to do an ultrasound/non-stress test to make sure the baby is doing okay and growing like she should. The midwife said that it could just be due to the fact that I am a smaller person and could be having a small baby – so I guess nothing to worry about at this point. She also encouraged me to eat a lot of small things throughout the day versus just 3 regular meals. With my stomach being crunched up and smaller, it’s important to keep it full all day long since it can’t handle huge amounts at one time. We’ll find out at my next appointment how the size is going though. Then the midwife felt around my belly to determine the positioning of the baby. This was the first time they started doing this and said that if she wasn’t in the right position they could do things to encourage her to change. I should rephrase when I said they “felt” around – it was much more like painfully push all around! She really dug in to feel all the parts – it hurt! The baby is head down though which is what she should be at this point.
I think that about covers everything about the appointment. We go again this evening for our childbirth class. My list of complaints is increasing – having to pee all the time and during the night, hips/back hurting, reflux is awful during the night, and the baby always seems to kick during the night and wake me up. But despite all my complaints, I’m so excited for her to get here!
On a side note too, my hormones must be raging. I can easily cry at anything! For example, Saturday I spilled a cup of water on the floor and just starting crying because I was upset about it. Matt thought it was funny and I get a laugh out of it too! Matt's been so supportive though and helpful especially as things are getting more uncomfortable now. I have a great husband! We celebrated our 2nd anniversary yesterday and I am so happy that our children will have a great dad like him!
Wednesday, September 19
Childbirth Class
Last night was our first childbirth class out of five sessions. Even though they teach the Lamaze technique with the class, I took it more for educational purposes about the whole birthing process. I had a great time and it was nice having my friend Alicia and her husband taking it as well.
We talked about a lot of different topics last night so it would be hard to remember everything but some of the things we covered was the basic principle of Lamaze, true labor vs. false labor, things to expect in the final trimester, the husband’s duties during labor (things for them to say and do), what to pack for the hospital, and what the hospital provides. Lamaze is a lot about the mind – not just the breathing. The instructor talked a lot about the importance of being able to relax even through the pain.
She also assigned us our daily homework/exercises that we should be doing from now until the baby comes: relaxation technique, Lamaze breathing, kegels (20/day), and squats. I didn’t realize this – but guys are supposed to be doing kegel exercises too. Even though you’re supposed to be doing kegels all the time, they’re apparently especially helpful during the birthing process if you have strengthened those muscles. And I didn’t realize this, but the instructor said that about 70% of women deliver their babies in the squatting position. She said it’s the easiest and helps you to open up even wider for the baby to come through. Besides those exercises, she wanted us to do a “bottom check” this week – HAHA! That was hilarious when she was talking about this. She wanted the women to get a mirror and sit down on the toilet this week and really look at our crotches – all the parts, how everything looks. She said most women don’t even know what they look like down there. This will be helpful for next week when she has a diagram and is drawing the different parts so you can know how you compare. I'm sure Matt will get a kick out of that. :) She said it’s also good to know how things will change and what it should return to looking like after you have the baby. Then, the funny part, she said she had a guy ask one time – “can this be a group activity?”
Matt and Alicia’s husband, Andrew, were hilarious. During the times we were practicing kegels, breathing, and the relaxation technique, it was all quiet and we were supposed to be looking at a focal point in the room while practicing. Well Matt is cracking up during it and couldn’t keep his focus on one place in the room. Which, of course, made me end up laughing. Then the guys were supposed to be looking at us while we were practicing the relaxing thing so Andrew and Matt were staring at us trying to make us laugh. It was hilarious – but you might have had to be there!
All in all, it was really good and I feel like I learned things that I didn’t know before. We go again next week and I think we will be talking about the different stages of labor. Hope this didn’t bore you too much but hey, it’s my blog isn’t it? :) Only 9 more weeks until baby gets here!!
Thursday, September 13
Baby Shower and 30 Week Check-Up
Friday, August 31
28 Week Check-Up
Wednesday, August 22
Falls and Urination
On the way back from Myrtle Beach, I started crying in the car because we had to leave vacation (yes, the waterworks are going off much easier now a days!). So Matt starts laughing because he doesn't know what to do for me to make me feel better. Thus, I start laughing at myself - so I am crying and laughing at the same time and then it happens.... I pee on myself! This of course makes me laugh even harder. My bladder has gotten much weaker! It was a great moment though!
Then this past Monday I was at the grocery store after work picking up a few things. When i came out of the store I got caught on like a ledge in the parking lot and the cart starts to fall forward and I am going with it. All I could think was "just don't hit the belly." It was a very scary moment as I'm headed towards the ground. Luckily I was able to catch myself on my hands and legs. I have a few bruises and a bump knot on my shin, but besides that I'm okay. Thankfully I didn't go down on the baby!
My weight gain is still on track I believe. I've gained about 14-15 pounds now. I can hardly believe it when I step on the scale at times. Even though I'm still small in comparison to most people, it's still weird seeing these higher numbers that I never have before. Luckily it is still all staying in my belly and growing breasts! :)
That's about all the news for now. My sister is letting me borrow a whole bunch of Ava's clothes to use - which is WONDERFUL - she had really cute stuff. So I have been going through those and putting them away in the dresser this week. I go again to the doctor on Tuesday next week so I will update again after that. Our baby girl is kicking as I write, so she must want me to say hi to everyone!
Thursday, August 9
Tuesday, August 7
25 Weeks and OB Visit


Besides that, the doctor said everything looked great. He started measuring my belly this time too and that was on track as well with my due date. At the appointment I had gained 10 pounds.
In other news, this past week we signed up for a childbirth class at the hospital. My friend from college, Alicia, who is pregnant and due a few days after me is going to take it at the same time with her husband too - so we'll have friends there! It's been great getting to share our experiences and know that someone else is right there along with you! The class is a 5 week series and you go every Tuesday night for 2 hours. Hopefully it will be beneficial for me and Matt! It starts in mid September and finishes up in October.
The furniture for the baby's room is also supposed to arrive this week sometime. I'm very excited to be able to get it in the room and start getting things ready for our baby girl. Time is flying by fast - only 15 more weeks to go! I will post new belly pictures soon since I haven't done that in a few weeks.
Wednesday, July 25
23 Weeks
In regards to baby news, our little girl is kicking more and more! I can tell the difference now between kicks, turning around, and hiccuping. It's so wonderful to be able to feel her moving around inside! I continue to be amazed at the whole pregnancy/birth process that God designed. He is forming our little girl right there in my belly!
I have gained a little more weight now for a total of about 7 pounds. The belly (although it has a lot more to grow) already feels very big to me! It's harder to get up from the sofa and bed. And it gets in the way of being able to prop my legs up to shave. I also am having pain on the right side a lot when I sleep at night. So I keep playing around with pillows trying to figure out what will work best and make me the most comfortable.
We have done our registries. Our main one is at Babies R Us since my big shower will be back home in Virginia Beach where they have this store. There is just a lot more options there. We have also done a somewhat duplicate registry at Target for people in Lynchburg that don't have access to a Babies R Us. I'm still working on editing it a bit but for the most part it's completed.
We ordered the crib and dresser for the baby's room this past weekend. It should be here the 2nd week in August. You can check the crib out at: The picture shown is in a white finish but ours will actually be in the honey finish.
I am also trying to decide on bedding. It is down to two. The first one is at Babies R Us: The second one (which I think I am leaning more towards) is at Baby Depot:
I can hardly believe that there is only about 4 more months until our little girl is here. I just fall in love with her more and more everyday even though I haven't even seen her yet! We have still been working on a name and I think we finally have decided on what hers will be. It is going to be a surprise though for when she is born.
I think that about covers the past few weeks. I go for another appointment on Tuesday morning. They will be doing another ultrasound, blood glucose test, and the normal visit with the doctor. I will post afterwards to let everyone know how that went. As always, continue to pray for our little baby girl. She is in our prayers everyday that God would protect her and keep her healthy.
Monday, July 2
Saturday, June 30
My Sister
Movement and Sleeping
And on another note... trouble sleeping and achiness has come into my pregnancy vocabulary this week. The past few nights I have been so sore on my right side when I wake up in the morning and just achy. I tried last night sleeping strictly on my left side and that did help although my shoulder got sore from being on that side all night.
We've been working again on looking at names. What a difficult decision that is! I told Matt he might have to choose. There is one name I think I like but I'm not quite sold on it yet. We are keeping the name as a surprise until the baby is born. Plus I want to be able to change my mind and not hear any "comments" from other people about our name selection.
Tuesday, June 26
It's a GIRL!




Tuesday, June 19
The baby's moving!
Sunday, June 10
17 Weeks
Tuesday, May 29
15 Weeks Appointment
On another side note... I went shopping this weekend to get some maternity clothes. That was lots of fun and I got some really cute stuff. We had a great weekend back in VA Beach and enjoyed spending time with our families and of course our nephew! They grow SO fast!
I say it a lot... but continue to pray for our little baby. We pray that God will give us the wisdom and strength to be wonderful parents and most importantly teach our children about Him!
Thursday, May 24
He/she is growing!
Thursday, May 3
Thursday, April 5
First Appointment
