Monday, October 15

35 Weeks and Car Seat

Update from my appointment today: I gained 2 pounds this week (up to 136) and I measured right on my week (35cm). I had the Strep B test done today and will have the results of that next week at my visit. Nancy, the midwife, said that the baby is head down right in my pelvis where she should be. She also said that the baby weighs about 6 pounds right now and she expects I will probably have about a 7.5 pound baby. We also talked a little more about what I am planning to do in regards to pain medication/epidural and whether I am planning to breastfeed. I am planning on having an epidural but don't want to have it done too early if possible so as to not slow the labor down and so I can be able to get up, walk around, get in the tub, etc. as long as possible. So my goal is to probably have it done around 5-6cm. That is all subject to change though seeing as I have never done this before and don't know what it will feel like! And I've decided to attempt breastfeeding and see how that goes as well.

We got the car seat installed this weekend at the fire station. It makes us realize the time is drawing near now when we see the car seat back there! Only 5 more weeks to go!! Here are some pics of our baby girl's room (my sister made the canvas paintings hanging above the dresser!) The bigger canvas painting has Isaiah 43:1 on it - I have called you by name; you are mine!

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