Monday, December 22

youth pastor's wife

Yes... that is what I'm going to be!!! We got the GREAT news this morning. The chairmen of the search committee called Matt to tell him that pending the congregation vote on January 11th, they have chosen him to be the youth pastor of Suburban Christian Church!!! Can you tell I'm a little excited? The vote passed the board so it just has to go to the congregation before it's official, but most everything goes through that the board approved. Plus we know a large majority of the congregation and they have all been routing for Matt. I can't believe that it's finally "our time." We've been waiting and praying for so long for this! We've seen so many other people and friends obtain goals and dreams they have and God finally brought one of our big dreams to reality!!! We're so incredibly thankful to God and know that this wouldn't be happening if it weren't for him. Nothing we have done would ever be good enough. Thank you thank you thank you God!!!!

Anyways... I will blog more later but just got to the parents house for christmas so need to get settled. But had to share the wonderful news with everyone!! By the way, it won't be until probably early February that we will be moving. So don't worry Lynchburg friends, I'm not leaving town all of a sudden! :)

1 comment:

annie said...

That's awesome! Congrats to you guys!