Thursday, December 11

a step and "book"

Just had to share this exciting news (at least to me) for the day even though I already posted once.....

1) Lily took one step today!!! It was really out of not knowing it though. She was standing on her own holding something in her hands and took a step to the side to get to something near her. I know it's not her really walking yet but even those little things can get a mom excited! She's been standing on her own a lot today I've noticed. Could still be awhile before she really walks but that's okay - means I can keep up with her better! Although she is the fastest crawler I think I've ever seen!

2) I think she really has a first official word... "book." Or rather in her language "boo" with no k at the end. Lily absolutely loves books. She would be content with me reading to her all day. She will throw the book at me to get my attention to read to her. Then she always climbs in my lap. It really is cute even though I have to do it a LOT. I'm glad she likes reading. Anyways... seems appropriate for that to be her first real word. I noticed it first this morning when I said "you want to read the book?" And she said it once. I didn't think much of it at first just cause I figured it was a coincidence. But she's done it several times today when she gets a book to read.

Yeah Lily!!

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