Monday, December 15

weekend in NC and new 2nd cousin

So we had a GREAT time in NC with my sister and her family. Having 4 kids in the house actually wasn't as chaotic this time as it previously has been. I think that's because Lily is more self-sufficient now. Ava and Lily have a love-hate relationship still. Sometimes Ava is the little mother hen and takes care of her and other times (namely when Lily's playing with her toys) she doesn't think Lily's so great. Ava called Lily "Lil" a lot this weekend which was really cute. Sometimes Matt and I call her lil for short. One time Ava even called her "sweet lil." So adorable! My sister and I actually got a picture together with our kids!Friday evening the husbands stayed home with the babies and me, Dawn, and Ava got to go to the christmas play at their church. It was gorgeous even though the baby was fake. :) Saturday morning we opened christmas presents. Lily got a fun new Little People airplane and a new book. Lily loves books! We got Ava a dvd she wanted, Barbie Diamond Castle. So you can guess what we watched a lot of the rest of the weekend.
On Saturday, we went to the Carters Outlet. That place is so tempting. Buying clothes for Lily is definitely my weakness!! Then, Matt helped Ava make and decorate christmas cookies to give away to her teachers for presents. With what was left of the cookie dough we didn't eat beforehand! :)
Saturday night we got to watch The Black Knight. Good movie! It's not really my type of movie but Matt wanted to see it so bad that I agreed. Aren't I a sweet wife? It was actually pretty good. I still think it's odd that Matt doesn't like clowns yet he will watch a movie that has a scary looking clown in it (the joker). Go figure!

Sunday afternoon Dawn and Chris took Ava to Disney on Ice. So Matt and I got to babysit Cecilia and Owen while watching Lily too of course. They did great and we survived. :) I am always reminded when I watch them what a supermom my sister really is with having twins and a 4 year old! She does such a great job. Here's Lily with her Aunt Dawn:The twins are adorable. Owen's the little social butterfly and will smile and laugh at anything. Cecilia is the more serious one but when you can crack a smile and a little laugh your heart just melts.Lily LOVED the ride-on at Dawn's house too. She rode that thing around everywhere and thought she was hot stuff. Who knows..... maybe Santa will bring her one for christmas too. :) And the play kitchen was also a huge hit! Lily was so cute playing. Maybe Santa can bring one of those next year!Ava with her favorite Aunt Amanda:In other baby news.... my cousin had her little baby girl, Sophia Bostian. Sophia was born Sunday the 14th at 10:39pm. She was 8 pounds 14 ounces and 22 inches. Mom, Dad, sister, and baby Sophia are all doing great!Now just waiting for Tara's baby to get here! Come on Bailey! I told Tara that I have predicted Bailey will be born on December 25th, 4 days after her due date. I had Lily 4 days after my due date so that's why I chose that date.


The Tylers said...

I thought Lily was born 4 days after her due date? Wasn't she due November 17th?

Matt and Amanda Bruns said...

Yeah she was due the 17th and born on the 21st. Whoops, you're right! I have to change my guess now to the 25th (christmas day!). :)