Wednesday, March 11


As I'm sure most of my blog readers already know, our household has been sick... myself being the worst. I started with sinus stuff last week on Thursday and then Friday night started with the stomach virus stuff.... YUCK! So needless to say my birthday came and went on Saturday without much fanfare. That's okay though, just a year older now - 26. My hubby has been great though and has been taking really good care of me despite the fact that he hasn't been completely feeling well either. He's had cold/sinus stuff too.

Well... still don't feel like blogging and actually don't have that much to blog about anyways since I've been sick and literally doing nothing! I promise once I'm back to normal, hopefully in a few days, my normal regular blogging will resume! Today was the first day I actually wasn't nauseous. Still haven't felt like eating much though and still very worn out/tired. Hope everyone else is staying well!

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