Wednesday, June 3

Crazy Eights

And for my second blog of the day... thought I would do this thing that my friend Tara did on her blog...

8 Things I'm Looking Forward to

1. Matt getting home tonight
2. Date night tomorrow night
3. going to an Uppercase Living party
4. getting a visit from my friend Vicky this month
5. going to spend a week with my sister and her family this month
6. seeing Lily's cute little face in the morning
7. celebrating our 4th anniversary (hopefully at a hotel on the beach) this september
8. getting a minivan and taking Lily to disneyworld for the first time

8 Things I Did Yesterday

1. took Lily strawberry picking with Genna
2. ate strawberries for lunch
3. put Lily down for nap at nana's house
4. pool time with my family and friends in the afternoon
5. tidied up the house
6. gave Lily a bath and put her to bed
7. hosted small group at our house that night
8. finally got to bed at midnight!

8 Things I Wish

1. that I didn't worry so much
2. that my sister's family lived nearby
3. that money was not an issue (but i'm beginning to learn it always is, no matter how much you have)
4. that Lily will want to love and serve God when she grows up
5. that God will give me the guidance to be the best mom I can be
6. that God will bless us in the future with another child
7. that God will bless Matt's ministry at the church
8. that the Brazil missions team will be safe, effective, and serve God

8 Shows I watch

1. American Idol
2. The Office
3. Parks and Rec
4. The Soup
5. The Big Bang Theory
6. How I Met Your Mother
7. Two and a Half Men
8. Chuck

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