Thursday, June 25

Brazil Trip Day 7

Dear Daddy,

Mommy and I can't believe that we're only 4 days away from seeing you again!! Yay!! Mommy is working on a special surprise for you. She's hoping she can get it done by the time you come home.

Today was a rather normal day around the Mendez household. We got up, had breakfast, and just hung around the house.Aunt Dawn had to take Ava to VBS so mommy took care of me and Cecilia and Owen. Mommy went on a fly hunt. There has been a bunch of flies sneaking in to the house when we open the doors so she decided she wanted to kill them. She got two!We had lunch together and played some more before naptime. Mommy says that getting lunch ready for 4 kids and 2 adults is crazy! Between me, C, and O, we went through one of those huge cans of mandarin oranges!!
Mommy thinks the camera is mostly fixed now but she's not sure. She's letting it dry out a little bit more before she starts taking pictures in it again. Aunt Dawn's got some sinus sickness - stuffy nose, hoarse throat. So we're hoping that me or mommy don't get it.

After naps, we headed to Target again (gotta love super target). Aunt Dawn bought us pizzas for dinner. Then we stopped by Rita's! YUM! Mommy and I shared a cotton candy italian ice and then I had fun running back and forth in the store with Ava.Ava has been such a big helper to me today. She can get me buckled in and out of the car seat in the back and can even lift me down out of the seat to get out! Plus she's been holding my hand when we are walking in to stores. Mommy thinks it's adorable!Mommy and Aunt Dawn are going to continue movie night marathon this week by watching a chick flick once us kids are in bed. She said it's called "he's just not that in to you."

Mommy and I prayed for you again tonight that God would watch over you and keep you safe. Life just isn't the same without you around every day! We love you and miss you! See you in 4 days!


P.S. - Some big news that happened today in case you didn't hear: Farrah Faucett AND Michael Jackson died today!

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