Thursday, November 6

Wednesday fun and learning Lily

Lily is constantly learning! Yesterday she was up on the couch with me and I let her go cause she wanted to get off (while of course holding my hands right by her). She apparently knew that she couldn't go off the couch face first because she turned around and then put her legs down. Granted it wasn't perfect and one of her legs got stuck but I didn't think she realized that yet! I'm sure it won't hold true all the time as kids think they are invincible but it was fun to see her figure out something! Then yesterday evening she was playing with her socks (one of her new favorite things to do) and I noticed that she was trying to put them on her feet. It's so crazy how they figure out what things are supposed to be for! She obviously couldn't get them on but it was so cute because she would take her sock and like push on it on the top of her foot like it should magically just go on.

There's just nothing like seeing the look of amazement on your child's face either when she discovers something new but incredibly simple/easy for us. This morning Lily was playing with these play keys she has and there's a button that you push that makes them light up. Well she figures this out and as soon as she does she gets the biggest smile on her face like she's hot stuff!

Yesterday was a fun day. Alicia and Andi came over midday so Lily had a playmate for a little while. Then yesterday evening I went to see The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 with some friends. It was a nice change of pace for me and good to get out on my own.

And on a final note... Lily has a cold. Yesterday evening she was really irritable but I didn't really know why. This morning when she woke up she had a very runny nose! So that's probably why she was acting that way last night. Hopefully she'll get better soon! I feel like she just got over having a congested nose not too long ago. Oh well!

Today is laundry and packing day since we leave tomorrow for Virginia Beach. Yeah!!! If you haven't noticed we're very excited for Matt to have his interview! :)

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