Tuesday, November 11

Interview Weekend

The weekend finally came! Most of you reading this will know how long we've been waiting and praying about this. So it was great to finally get to this point even though we don't know what the decision will be yet.

We left Friday and it was my parents turn to have us at their house. Saturday afternoon was Matt's interview with the youth pastor search committee. He, of course, went alone to this part. But from what he told me everything went great! He feels like he impressed the committee members and gave good answers to their questions.

That evening I had to loosen my controlling tendencies and let Grandma put Lily to bed so I could go with Matt to a hang out with the kids. It was at Jerry's house (our old youth pastor and a member of the committee). Some of the adults from the committee were there as well as about 10 youth. We had pizza, played some games, and then had q&a time for the kids. We had a great fun time! And Lily did fine going to bed.

Sunday morning was church. Then Grandma took Lily back to the house for lunch and nap while Matt and I went to lunch with Todd (pastor) and Jerry. It was supposed to be Todd and his wife but she was sick so Jerry went with us. We headed back to the house for a bit and Matt's parents came over to see Lily for a little while. Then that evening Grandma put Lily to bed yet again and we went to youth group. Youth group was a blast - brought back lots of memories! Matt did well - he taught the lesson for the evening.

All in all it went great! I'm SO thankful for all of our friends/family that have been praying for us. They were answered so far in a GREAT weekend! They are going through the process and interviewing at least one other person in two weeks but we really feel like this might happen for us. Keep praying!! We should know sometime in December what the decision is. So we might have a great christmas present!

Now I have to unpack again (seems like I'm packing unpacking a lot lately!). Then for lunch today Alicia and I are taking the girls to chick-fil-a for lunch and to play. Yeah!! Only a week and a half until Lily's 1st birthday!!!


The Tylers said...

In the fourth paragraph, you said that "Lily took Grandma home". Haha. She is growing up even faster than I thought! :)

sarah said...

yayaya! so exciting! i'll be praying and i love you girl!