Thursday, November 27


Happy Thanksgiving!! For thanskgiving dinner today, we are all going to share something that we are thankful for - and not allowed to just use a cheesy typical answer. As I've been thinking about it, there are so many things that I am thankful for and I thought I would share a few....

1. Jesus. Okay so this can be a typical cheesy answer but let me go on. I am nothing without God. I believe that my life would be serving no real purpose without Him. I live and breathe because of Him. I can be a good wife, mother, and friend because of Him. I have something to look forward to beyond this life because of Him. I don't have to worry because of Him. He is everything that I need. I couldn't be thankful for anything else if I didn't have this to be thankful for.

2. My husband. He makes me a better woman. He goes to work everyday to provide for our family. He loves me unconditionally. He loves God. He makes me laugh. He's the most wonderful man I could ever have asked for.

3. My daughter. I never knew how much love you could have for someone until I had Lily. I get the privilege every day of being a mother and raising her the best I can. She brings a smile to my face everyday.

4. God's provision. I worry a lot about money. And really I shouldn't because God has always proved faithful and has provided for our needs. We surely aren't the richest of families in financial terms, but we are a loving happy family. God continues to show us that he's faithful to us even when we aren't faithful to Him all the time.

5. The hard times. If I didn't experience hard times, how would I really enjoy and appreciate the good times? How would I become a better person? I am thankful for the struggles and difficulties this past year because they have taught me so many lessons.

I hope everyone takes time out today to really think about what they are thankful for. We are so blessed. Even if you might be in the darkest of times, there is always something to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!

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