Tuesday, November 4

election day

Today was a busy day. Matt took off today cause the kids didn't have school. This morning I did some bathroom cleaning. Then after Lily's morning nap we headed off to vote. My sister posted a link in her blog today for one of her friend's blogs regarding the election. I read the post and loved it. The woman put into words how I feel about the matter. So go check out her blog post.

Then we headed to Michael's to research cake decorating options. I was hoping to have a friend of Alicia's make the cake (she does REALLY beautiful ones)! But I don't think we're going to be able to afford it. Matt wants to try and make the cake himself so we bought a few supplies today for a test run this evening. Guess we'll see how that turns out! We treated ourselves to lunch out and then headed home for Lily's nap.

After nap was Lily's appointment at the pediatrician to get the first dose of her flu shot. Since this is her first time getting it she has to go again in a month for a booster shot. She did surprisingly well with it. When they stuck her in the leg muscle she didn't flinch at all - just watched! Then we went to the mall to look around for a few things. We had a good day - always a good day when Matt gets to stay home with us!

Lily these days LOVES to walk (with our hands of course). She still hasn't wanted to step out on her own yet but I know she wishes she could! She's really good at using the ring stacker now and likes to put things in and out of containers. She also knows how to shake her head no and yes. Well - the yes one is very rare at this point. Everything is mostly the "no" shaking of the head. Matt always takes things and hides them behind his back and creeps them out - which Lily loves. So now she will take things and go and shove them behind his back to get him to play with her. Too cute!

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