Tuesday, October 28

visit from friends, Lost, niceness, and pee on the floor

Today was a fun day! We finally got to hang out with Alicia and Andi. It seems like there's always something coming up or a sickness that interfers with our weekly get togethers! Lily and Andi had fun together and even had lunch together here. And Alicia and I were able to catch up on things and what our girls have been up to.

Matt is trying to get me into Lost, the tv series. I never watched it because the ads made it look scary. Yes, I'm a wuss and don't like to watch anything remotely scary. Well, Matt convinced me that it would be okay and that I would like it. The kids had been watching an episode each week during after school program so that's how Matt started getting in to it. He borrowed the first season from a friend of his from work. I watched the first episode last night and although it was pretty good - still a little jumpy scarier and bloodier than I would like. I'm going to give it a few more episodes though before I give up. Matt said the blood/guts stuff wouldn't be as bad in future episodes since it's just the initial plane crash.

I would like to say that it makes me so happy when total strangers do something nice for me. I was leaving the grocery store this evening trying to get groceries in the car, Lily out of the cart, and the cart cover unfolded. All of this while it feels like it's freezing and VERY windy. I had gotten Lily out and a lady came by and asked if she could take my cart to the corral for me to put it away. It seems like something so simple but really brightened my day. I hope that I do things like that for others. My challenge for tomorrow: make sure to do at least one random act of kindness for someone.

And finally... before bathtime each evening I usually take Lily's clothes and diaper off for a few minutes to let her air out. She has never peed before. Well... tonight she got me back. She was standing up by the couch and I hear a gush of liquid. I look over and there's pee all over the couch and floor. Haha! Good thing I don't care about that kind of thing. :) It gave me a good laugh for the evening!

I'm excited for tomorrow... Lily's first trunk or treat at church!! She's going to be a beautiful ballerina! It just stinks that it's going to be SO cold!!

1 comment:

The Tylers said...

I'm glad you are getting into Lost! You should get all the way caught up so you can jump in on the new season this year. I love it cause it's one of those shows that makes you think!