Friday, October 17

the smells of christmas

Can I just say that I LOVE christmastime. Yes, I know it's not christmastime yet. I was at a few stores though today and saw all this christmas stuff out already and heard the music in Target on that cd sampler machine next to the cards. It made me feel SOO good. I can't wait until the season really kicks into gear! And to top it off, there's this Febreze air scent that they come out with every christmas season called "fresh evergreen and snow" that is AMAZING!! So I got some of that today too. If you haven't tried it, you should.

My official start date for christmas music listening is November 1st. Most people think it's crazy but I LOVE christmas music and since the season only comes around once a year I like to make the most of it. Last year I didn't really feel like I had a christmas season anyways since we had a newborn in the house and were running on very little sleep.

Yea for Christmastime! It's "the most wonderful time of the year." (as I hum in my head)

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I love Christmas also and love to break out the Christmas music!