Tuesday, October 7

ear marks, pork barrel spending, and bathroom fun

I am currently sitting here watching the presidential debate on tv. And can I just say I'm SO sick of hearing the SAME THINGS over and over again. I never learn anything new with these debates and it's filled with accusatory arguments against each other. Two of my biggest pet peeve phrases that they use... ear marks and pork barrel sending. If I had a dollar for everytime I heard them talk about eliminating those items I could fix the economic crisis. Okay... not really but you get my point. Anyways... all that to say I'm bored with this election because I never seem to learn in detail what each candidate wants to do if they are elected. We get Consumer Reports magazine and this month there was actually a very good comparison article on the two candidates position on healthcare. I want to find a good bipartisan website to compare and contrast the different aspects of each candidates agenda. So if anybody knows one, feel free to leave a comment with the web address. I know who I'm going to vote for but still would like to know more about the candidates.

And a fun Lily story for the day. I was going to the bathroom this afternoon and of course she comes crawling in. All her bath toys were in the bathtub so she goes over there and stands up at the tub trying to get to them. Then when she obviously can't reach them she sits back down, crawls back to the doorway, turns around, and crawls faster towards the tub then standing up at it again and reaching out. She did this several times, each time seeming like she gained more power than the first time. It was HILARIOUS! She seriously looked like she was trying to hurl herself over the tub to get to the toys with the energy she gained from crawling.

I love being a mom! And finally a congratulations to my friend Laura Wailes from college. Her twin boys, Nathan and Isaac, were born yesterday. Welcome to the wonderful world of motherhood! You guys are in my prayers as you all gradually adjust to the new normal. Your boys are beautiful!


The Tylers said...

Your Lily story is hillarious! I wish I could have seen that. And you are reading my mind on the debate. I am so bored and sick of all this stupid crap, with both of them, and can't wait till it is over! I'm to the point now, where I have stopped watching news in the morning, and am now watching Saved by the Bell instead, haha.

Calie & Daniel said...

Ditto on the debate/presidential stuff. I was wondering if I could send in a question via internet to the debate last night along those lines :)