Thursday, October 9

busy Wednesday and nameplate

Yesterday was a fun and busy day. After morning nap, Lily and I went to playgroup at Kids Cove. Lily does much better now and will venture out on her own more than willingly. I have to actually reign her in sometimes! Then we came home for lunch and afternoon nap. After Vicky got off work, she came over for our weekly outing. She comes over to spend some time with Lily, have dinner with us, and then we go out for coffee after Lily goes to bed. Lily was excited because Vicky got to give her her bath that evening.

After I got home, Matt and I decided to stay up late and watch our netflix movie.. Baby Mama. Since tonight is a great tv night (kath and kim premiere, the office, and a snl special) and we are leaving Friday for Virginia Beach, we decided to go ahead and watch it. I didn't get to bed until MIDNIGHT. Yes, you heard me correctly. Haven't seen those hours since Lily was little and I got up with her during the night! The movie was good but it wasn't quite as funny as I thought it was going to be. Definitely would recommend it though.

When we were in Myrtle Beach, I found this name plate to hang on Lily's door. I just think it's so sweet and beautiful and had been meaning to post a picture of it but just now remembered.
Look at my adorably cute new hairstyle (if I sit still long enough to let mommy get it in)!
Off to do some laundry and packing while my little pumpkin is napping...

1 comment:

Liz said...

The nameplate is so sweet!!