Thursday, May 22

6 month check-up

Lily went for her 6 month check up today.

Here is her stats:
Weight: 17 pounds 13 ounces (75-90th percentile)
Height: 26.5 inches (75th percentile)
Head Circum: 17.5 (90th percentile)

A brief synopsis: We can move on to other foods (fruits/veggies) in a few days introducing one new one every 4-7 days. For the constipation, she said that most likely eating the fruits and veggies will help her go better but I can also add in the brown sugar to her bottle (which I've tried) or prune juice. No water or juices are necessary and it's really better to just use formula the first year. Then after that juice really should only be a treat - milk and water should be the staples. Sunscreen is okay to use now so we can hit the pool! Whenever we want to try a sippy cup in the next few months with her formula we can. Once she hits 1 year, that's when the cut off is - no more bottles and she HAS to drink from sippy cup. She got 3 shots and one oral vaccine today (same ones as before). Her next checkup at 9 months she won't have to get any. We can also give her motrin now for pain/fever, etc. I think that was about it. She's doing great!!

The rest of the day was ROUGH. I pretty much had to stand up and hold her for most of the day. She was crying this pitiful "i hurt" cry. It was so sad! It wore me out but I had to take care of my poor little baby! She all of a sudden must have started feeling better though right before bed. Cause I had her laughing hysterically from like 6:45 to 7:15! And usually by 7:00 she has HAD it and is very ready for bed. It was a good ending to the day though to see her laughing so much!

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