Saturday, August 23

Lily-isms and Old Navy $12 jean day

Here's some new updates about Lily:

She can walk now along the sofa (cruising).
She's drinking more now from her sippy cup at meals (water) - finally getting the hang of that.
She hates being fed from a spoon so I have to sneak in her pureed veggies/fruits while she's eating finger foods.
She loves ANY bread product - guess who she got that from? (...grandma!)
This past week she's really gotten the hang of picking up small finger foods (puffs) with the pincer grasp.
She babbles a lot now but only babbles "mama" when she's upset - go figure!
She loves to play peekaboo with the curtain in the living room. She will hide behind it and cover her face and knows to then move it for me to say peekaboo!
She can do "fish kisses" now. It's so cute how she puckers her lips in and makes kisses.
She also learned to click her tongue on the top of her mouth.

Anyways... just wanted to pass on her new things since I was remembering to write them down in her book today!

And... today was $12 adult and $7 kid jean day at Old Navy today!! WOOHOO!! I actually really needed some new jeans in a smaller size so that worked out great. And I got Lily another pair for this winter. I was very excited as you might be able to tell. :)

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