Wednesday, May 27

i hear you God

This past week has been a whirlwind - and I don't mean a good whirlwind where you're just busy. I've had several health things going on this past week and I think I'm finally getting everything under control. Oh wait... that was the lesson I was probably supposed to be learning - I'm NOT in control at all. God's in control and is taking care of me. I am finally feeling for the most part back to normal. The medicine I am on is still making me a little off but not like it was this past weekend.

Didn't really want to go in to details about all of that, plus it would take too long. But my real objective in writing is to focus on how God speaks to us in bad and hard times. I didn't go to church on Sunday and for some reason I decided to try and find a church service on tv to watch. I normally don't do that and most church services on tv aren't very interesting for me. But... Andy Stanley who is the pastor of Northpoint Community Church was on at the time. I don't think I've ever heard him speak although Matt has mentioned him to me before. And guess what the message was on.... "why worry." It was EXACTLY what I needed to hear from God. It was like he purposed that just for me. I would definitely recommend you check out the messages online and listen to them. If you have any problems with worrying, you'll want to hear it! I haven't listened to the other one yet but I am planning to.

Then... I subscribe to this devotional thing from Walk in the Word and find this message in my inbox the other day. Once again - talking about God being in control and trusting Him.

And finally God really must have known I'm very hard headed in this area so I read this post today on a blog that I follow by Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church. All about... what else but anxiety.

So there you have it. God speaks to us in many different ways but almost audibly sometimes when we have multiple things like this occur at just the time we need it. Putting my worries in God's hands and trusting Him versus being anxious will always be a struggle for me. I hope though that God has used this to make me a little bit better in this area.

What do you struggle with today? What is your ongoing battle? Keep asking God to speak to you about it - He'll show up. He did for me.

1 comment:

the lowe family said...

I am going to have to listen to that message. I have had moments like that where God has clearly spoken to me about relying on Him and not worrying, since that is my biggest struggle. Thank you for sharing that. I have been there.