Wednesday, May 20

18 months and pictures

Tomorrow my little baby girl turns 18 months old! I can't believe I have a toddler running around the house now! The last 18 months have definitely been the best of my life. I absolutely LOVE being a mom. Have I ever said that before? :)And I just have to add that I LOVE being a wife too. I don't brag about him as much as I do Lily but Matt is a wonderful husband and father and I'm so glad that he's mine! Can hardly believe this September we will be celebrating 4 wonderful years of marriage! I love this man!
Lily's coming up with more two word phrases it seems like - thank you, come here, i got it, where's grandma (yes, she said that today). I'm sure there's more that I can't think of at the moment. She's also turning into a polite little girl, at least sometimes that is. She's been saying please and thank you a lot without even having to be prompted. That is one thing (among many) that I really hope to instill in my children - good manners.

Random side note.... did anyone else out there that reads my blog know that kids in school don't learn multiplication and division the way we use to?! We took one of the youth group girls out for coffee this evening and somehow got on the topic. She showed us how they taught her to do it - something called "lattice" for multiplication. It was WEIRD and crazy! I'm gonna have to learn all over again to be able to help my kids when they're in school.

And finally... we got pictures done today at Botanical Gardens with Michael Lupino. Check him and his work out! He generously did the photo shoot free for us and we just have to pay for pictures. I think there's gonna be some really good ones!! I LOVE photojournalistic pictures (i think that's what it's called) versus your traditional studio portraits. Plus Lily is a much happier camper because she is free to run around and not be cooped up in a studio! He said that he would put a few highlight pics up on his blog fairly soon and then we should be able to check out all of them online within 2 weeks. I'll let everyone know once they're up! Poor little Lily got a bunch of scrapes and cuts on her knee/shin though. :( She fell several times. I guess that happens to all kids when they're young.


The Tylers said...

I just asked Anthony about the lattice multiplication. He had seen it before, so we looked it up. I think it's totally retarded. It's really the same way we are used to if you look at it, just seems kind of like an extra "crutch" added to it. It seems like everything is being "dumbed down" these days.

Anonymous said...

When I substitute teach, I teach the kids to memorize the multiplication tables, since that's what I had to do. They draw out some circles or something to help them count. It's so weird to me and looks more difficult!