Thursday, April 16

a week update

We had a great easter on sunday. Lily was adorable in her new dress. We had a fun easter egg hunt outside, she loved her easter bunny presents, and we had a delicious easter dinner. My first ham actually turned out good! We had my parents, Matt's parents, and Missy & Aaron over for the meal. I just have to say that I LOVE my china too. Even though it's simple, I just think it's gorgeous and wished that 1)I got to use it more often, and 2)that it didn't require hand washing!
On monday, we headed down to Macarthur Mall to look around and have lunch. Lily got to play in the new play area, so she was a happy camper. Then afterwards we went to Doumar's and had milkshakes. Yum! Matt finally got our bushes trimmed down outside and the yard raked.

Wednesday was video making day for the youth group. It's spring break for kids this week so Matt got the kids together to work on some commercials to advertise different stuff. Can't wait to see them all finished! That evening we had girls night and guys night. The female youth leaders took the girls over to matt's parents house and had pizza, played games, and watched a movie. It was a fun night!

And today Lily and I met Mary and Abby at the park. It was a little chilly but the girls had a blast. Lily is becoming more of a pro on going down slides. She goes down better on her tummy so she'll turn herself around. And Lily LOVES the slides. It's so cute watching her go down yelling "weeee." She's also gradually getting better at steps if there's something to hold on to. I still have to watch her closely. Here's Lily's friend Abby giving her a hug on sunday:Lily's latest.... she HATES having her teeth brushed. She did fine with it for awhile but now it's like I have to pin her down and she just screams. I feel bad for her but I've got to do it! I've even tried letting her brush but she obviously doesn't really get them good. She just sucks on the brush more. I don't know if it's bothering her more because of her teeth coming in. I also think if I let her eat she could eat all day. Anytime there's food around she's always saying "bite, bite" because she wants some. She can use a fork pretty well to stick things but is still trying to get the spoon thing going. If it's something sticky that will cling to the spoon pretty well, like pudding, then she does better. And Lily can also get up and down on couches really well. I feel much more safe leaving her on the couch now alone because she usually is careful in getting down. Sometimes if she gets distracted though or is trying to stand (or jump!) on the couch she could easily fall off if I weren't there to catch her. Last note, Lily LOVES her baby stroller we got her for easter. She has been pushing that thing around all the time and trying to sit in it herself! I just LOVE this age. I LOVE having a toddler!! They're so much fun and just do the cutest things!

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