Wednesday, April 8


I think my 16 month old totally knew she had to go poop yesterday before she did it! We were sitting in the living room and she points down to that region and was saying "poo poo." She hadn't done it yet so we tried rushing her over to the potty and sitting her on it. Well she freaked out because I don't think she liked the fact that she was on this cold huge scary potty. So we took her down, put her diaper back on, and like a minute or 2 later she did poop! It was either a coincidence or as I think, she really knew she had to go. Crazy! I know she's still awhile off from actually being potty trained but it was exciting. I think we're gonna buy her a potty seat to put in the bathroom just so she can start seeing that she has a little one for her to go in someday! Anyone have any opinions on what the best potty seat is? I'm thinking about getting one of the bjorn ones but there's 2 kinds. Not sure which one works better...

To correct what I said on my last blog entry, it's Lily's cuspids that are starting to come in, not her incisors. I was recording it in her baby book last night and realized I had the wrong word for them! I thought incisors were the sharp ones on the side but guess I was wrong!

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