Thursday, April 30
Tuesday, April 28
our day at the beach
control freak
I know it. And I'm able to admit it. And supposedly that's the first step in fixing a problem. HA! I will always have an ongoing battle with this problem. Anyways... it made me think about it today when I read this great blog post from 5 Minutes for Faith. If you have the time, check out this post from that blog for today. If not... here is one of my favorite lines in it:
"One thing I've learned is that people who need to control do so out of fear. I fear making the wrong decision. I fear my children getting hurt. I fear consequences.
As a mom, there are some things I need to be in control of, but there are more things that I need to let go of. Whenever I try to control everything I only seem to become stressed and anxious"
This is so true. I know that worrying and becoming anxious get me NO WHERE. And trying to control things usually makes it or me worse. But I somehow still do it. When you have a child, there's no hiding that quality! :) I never thought before about what the writer said is the cause of this though. It's because of our fears that we try to control things. How true. I worry a lot about medical stuff and I'm always nervous/scared about stuff like, for example, this new swine flu thing. When you have a child, you don't want ANYTHING to hurt them.
I've just GOT to start trusting God more and really doing what the verse says - casting all my cares on Him. Easier said then done though, right?
Thursday, April 23
outings, new phrases, one nap, and a couch
Then on Tuesday grandma and grandpa came with us to the children's museum in Portsmouth. I love being able to take Lily to things like this now. And thankfully there's a lot more to see and do than in Lynchburg. That is one thing I love about living here. There were all kinds of fun things at the museum - pretend grocery store, fire truck, bubble room, slides, music room, train room.
Today Lily said two new 2 word phrases! And of course they were ones that we say to her but she's decided to repeat them to us. I was moving her arms away from something she shouldn't be touching and she says "stop it." And then this afternoon she kept saying "don't touch" when she would be getting ready to do something that we probably wouldn't allow her to do. The "stop it" one was hilarious. Although I'm sure it won't be so funny when she's older and yells that at us! But for now I will laugh!
I noticed the other day that Lily's thumb was just looking beat up again from sucking on it so hard. So I figured it was time to implement the sock again since we're settled now and break the thumb sucking habit. I sewed a sock back on her pj top and started using it yesterday. She of course freaks out when I put it on her and just wails, but it's really for her best because if not, her thumb's just gonna get worse and then could get infected again. Yesterday she cried for 15-20 minutes for both naps but not too much for bedtime. Today I decided to try the whole 1 nap a day thing again because I think she is ready since her morning nap is so late now and I have to wake her up after 30 minutes in order to get an afternoon nap in. She actually did great all this morning and then I put her down at 1:30. She again cried when I put her shirt on but I got her calmed down rocking in the rocking chair before I laid her down for nap. She cried for just a minute or two once I put her down.
And in great news.... an unexpected blessing! The den/playroom in the back part of our house has no seating in it because we only have the 2 couches that we use in the living room. I just have a lot of Lily's toys back there but no where to sit. We eventually want to buy new couches for the living room and would then be able to put our old ones back there but we just can't afford that right now. Somehow it got brought up in conversation with someone from our church on Sunday and he said that he had a couch from one of the houses he was flipping that was left by the owners and in good condition. Today he had it brought over to us! Yay! Now we have a couch in that room.
, stop it, don't touch, new couch
Monday, April 20
video time
She has really gotten in to shaking her booty to music/dancing lately. And I must say she shakes her booty quite well! :) This is the only time I've been able to catch it on video so I apologize for the awful whistle that my mom is blowing!!
And finally... Lily saying names of people she sees on facebook. Her favorite is Jon Carolino from church. For some reason she gets excited when she sees his picture on there "see jon!" She now knows Owen's name too (our nephew). She says "oe" or "owee" - don't really know how to spell that but basically the 2 letters O and E put together. So the only name she can't say in my sister's family is Ava. That's a hard one though.
Thursday, April 16
a week update
Wednesday was video making day for the youth group. It's spring break for kids this week so Matt got the kids together to work on some commercials to advertise different stuff. Can't wait to see them all finished! That evening we had girls night and guys night. The female youth leaders took the girls over to matt's parents house and had pizza, played games, and watched a movie. It was a fun night!
And today Lily and I met Mary and Abby at the park. It was a little chilly but the girls had a blast. Lily is becoming more of a pro on going down slides. She goes down better on her tummy so she'll turn herself around. And Lily LOVES the slides. It's so cute watching her go down yelling "weeee." She's also gradually getting better at steps if there's something to hold on to. I still have to watch her closely. Here's Lily's friend Abby giving her a hug on sunday:
Sunday, April 12
Friday, April 10
she did it again
Lily and I are going to the park today with Nana to enjoy the beautiful weather!
Wednesday, April 8
To correct what I said on my last blog entry, it's Lily's cuspids that are starting to come in, not her incisors. I was recording it in her baby book last night and realized I had the wrong word for them! I thought incisors were the sharp ones on the side but guess I was wrong!
Monday, April 6
incisors, youth group, and tara visit
Last night I was able to go to youth group since Matt's parents came over to babysit Lily. We had a great evening and 3 kids show up that go to the church but aren't really coming to youth group. So that was great!! I'm trying to help Matt target those kids and get them involved with youth group and start to feel a part of it. We had a great night of scripture reading and worship focused around easter. Then afterwards had food for the kids since the first sunday night of every month is designated as "fellowship" night.
And today we got a visit from Tara, Anthony, and Bailey! They were in town visiting Anthony's family and carved some time out for us. Bailey is such a cutie and wonderfully chubby like Lily was as a baby! I had her laughing this afternoon and it was adorable. Lily loved Bailey and kept saying "see baby." We had a great lunch out at Chili's too, our usual when we get together.
Friday, April 3
week recap
So I will recap the last week. Sunday was church and then took Lily over to grandma and grandpa's house for awhile that afternoon. Monday was Matt's day off. We ate lunch out at Atlanta Bread. It's very similar to Panera Bread but I definitely liked their sandwiches better. Then we took Lily to the Jumpin Monkey, her first try at a jumping place. She was TOTALLY not in to it. She freaked out and was scared of the big inflatable jumping things. We headed back home and I took her outside to play since it was a nice day. That evening we went to Matt's parents house for dinner/going away party for Mike (Matt's brother). He left this past week for Navy boot camp.
On Tuesday, Lily and I met Lyz and Brooklyn at the park and the girls had a blast! It was a gorgeous day. Then Lily and I had lunch together at chick-fil-a.
Wednesday was youth leaders meeting at church. Grandma came over and watched Lily so I could go. We had a potluck lunch which was delicious - Matt made bruschetta chicken pasta (just like the kind at TGIFriday's). We got a lot of planning done and I'm excited about what's coming up for the youth. Then later on Matt's parents came over to watch Lily. Ashley, Genna, and I (the 3 female youth leaders) are taking one of the youth group girls out each week for coffee. So we went and did that and then I was able to go to refuel (mid week small group for the youth).
Thursday, I decided to try out one nap with Lily. She doesn't always sleep in the morning when I put her down for nap so I figured I would give it a try. I went out to a store in the morning to try and keep her occupied. She was VERY whiny though and I could just tell she was tired. About lunchtime she perked up again. I put her down at 1:30, she slept 45 minutes, and then woke up WAILING! It took me forever to get her calmed down. So I don't know what her deal was but I'm going back to two naps. Even if she doesn't fall asleep in the morning, I still think she needs some down time in her crib.
Today Mary and Abby came over for a playdate. Lily and Abby had fun playing and had lunch together. Now I'm relaxing while Lily naps and then going out to enjoy the nice weather! Can I just say I LOVE getting to dress Lily in spring/summer clothes?! I think she looks adorable in capris and short sleeve shirts with her little white sandals.
Tomorrow is busy busy - church yard/bake sale, make a commercial to advertise youth group girls night in, and then we're going out with Lyz and Lee tomorrow evening.
Some fun new Lily things: She likes to blow her nose now. Whenever she's in the bathroom and sees the toilet paper she says "nose." She'll hold the paper up to her nose and try to blow it but it really ends up more like sucking in through her nose. Her vocabulary just keeps expanding. She is putting the word "see" together with things now when she wants us to look at something like "see ball." Some other new words - flower, coat, glasses, no, go, hi, bush, bed, again, bird, push.