Thursday, January 15

vicky, lily kisses, and moving

It's been a busy few days! My bf Vicky ended up finding out she has blood clots in her leg and both sides of her lungs. It's a long story so I won't try to recap but she is doing well all things considered. She will most likely be at the hospital until Monday to try and get her blood thickness levels stabilized so it will clear the clots. Then she will have to be on blood thinners for at least a year. Her mom and dad are now here from NH to be with her which is great. I know how it is when you're really sick or having something wrong - you just want your mom to take care of you.

Lily is giving kisses now. :) It's WAY cute! She gave me my first one last night. I walked in the door from seeing Vicky, knelt down and asked her for a kiss, and she leaned in and gave me one right smack on the lips. It was so adorable and just melted my heart!!! Lily just has to be the cutest little girl ever! :)

I took Lily to see Vicky this afternoon at the hospital and of course Vicky was very glad to see her. Lily crawled right up on her and just laid there, thankfully not trying to pull any of the cords or IV!

Let's see.... other things about Lily nowadays... She loves to wear Matt's hats on her head but only backwards. Her thumb is doing MUCH better and she doesn't suck it during the day. I keep the sock pj's on though for naps and bedtime though still so it can heal completely. She can point to a nose and a mouth now when we ask her to so she knows those. Lily loves carrots. It's the vegetable that I know that she will always eat no matter what. That's crazy because I HATE carrots! Go figure! She can stack a few blocks on top of each other. She has these great wooden ones that her "auntie" tara got her for her birthday and she does really well with them now. Lily's still taking 2 naps a day on a regular basis. I put her down in the morning and she usually sleeps. If not, then I just let her chill for awhile and put her down earlier in the afternoon. She loves belly buttons and still loves to carry around and hold socks. She loves to be in our room. She goes to the window which is low enough for her to see out over the whole apartment complex and will just stand there and lick the cold window. She hates diaper changes with a passion or getting dressed for that matter either.

In moving news, we've reserved our truck and orderd a bunch of moving supplies and boxes. Only 2 weeks until we move!!! I can't believe it and feel like there's SO many things I need to remember to do. We're trying to get everything in order like health insurance changes, retirement fund changes, etc.

That's the news around these parts. Off to get Lily a bath and then watch a new episode of "The Office."

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