Tuesday, January 27

new words

I think Lily's starting to get the hang more of copying words/sounds that we make. The only words she's really had up until now that I know she knows is ball, bath, and this. Here's the other ones I think she knows now: no, trash, up/down, pop, nose, eyes, book, bye bye, and box. Guess where the "box" one came from? The GAZILLION boxes it seems like we have everywhere in our house right now! I'm sure most other people probably wouldn't understand her words at all right now but when you're around her enough you catch on. This weekend Matt's sister watched Lily while we went to the wedding and when we got back she asked if Lily knows the word "this." Haha - which of course she does. After bath, that was her next word. She uses it for everything obviously if she doesn't know the name of it.

There's a ton of things I know she understands now too even though she doesn't say them - several animals, laundry, milk, water, snack, nap, chair, out. And she knows when she's ready to go bye bye too because as soon as I put her shoes or coat on she runs to the door and keeps saying "bye." She loves going out probably because we're cooped up in the house so much right now during winter!

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