Friday, June 20

random thoughts

Yesterday evening I heard my phone ringing and saw that it was a number that I didn't recognize. Usually if that's the case, I let it go to voicemail. So after they left a voicemail I listened to it and it was some random little girl wanting to talk to me? She knew my name (although in my voicemail message I say my name) and said "i just wanted to talk to you amanda." And I think I heard her mom or some adult talking in the background. Anyways... it was really random and it bothers me that I don't know who it is! I looked up the number online and the name it gave I didn't recognize. Anyways... if by chance you are reading this and it was your little girl that called me - let me know! :) I'd like to know who wanted to talk to me.

The past few days I've been dwelling a lot on my post-pregnancy body. Now granted, people who see me out in public with clothes on think I look great and don't notice anything. But when it's yourself and you don't have clothes on, you notice! I've never been one that had an issue with anything about myself. I've always been skinny without having to diet and still am. The only thing that bothers me is my belly now. Since my skin was stretched to accomodate Lily, it is now flabby and hasn't tightened back up. My doctor said a lot of that has to do with genetics and the elasticity of your skin (which you can't change). The only thing you can do is get rid of the fat layer. Well... I've decided that I'm going to do an ab workout every day for the next month and see if I get any results. If I've gotten rid of all the fat, there's nothing really else I can do besides having a tummy tuck! I probably sound ridiculus because in reality, there's not *that* much there... I have always just been use to having a tight flat belly. Well... I'll let you know in a month if there's any results or if I just don't have very elasticy skin! I am proud of myself though because without exercising I'm down to my pre-pregnancy weight (minus a pound)!

On another random note.... today on Lily and I's daily walk, I was thinking about if there were certain things in the Garden of Eden. For example, the first thing that came to my mind was bees. Bees (at least to me) are a bad thing. I know that they do serve a good purpose - but stinging people does not seem like something that would occur in a "perfect" world. So did they not exist... or did they just exist and never sting people? Hm... makes you wonder. And another example - sweating. Just like bees, sweating serves our bodies a purpose but it isn't a beautiful or lovely thing. So did Adam and Eve sweat? If not, how did their bodies adjust their internal temperatures? If you have any thoughts... please comment!

Well... I'm going to go get my sweet Lily who just woke up. This afternoon we are getting a visit from Russanna (a friend of mine from church) and maybe a trip to the pool! Then this evening after Lily goes to bed, Matt is staying here with her so I can go out with Vicky. It's a full day!!

1 comment:

Calie & Daniel said...

A word of wisdom regarding ab work-outs -- They're only successful if you're burning the fat while building muscle. So ab exercises often won't do much unless you're doing some sort of cardio exercises to burn off the fat on your body as well.

So... just didn't want you to get a month down the road and be disappointed :) Hope it goes well!! Oh, and my e-mail is