Tuesday, June 29

38 weeks and the girls rooms

I had my weekly check-up today. Everything was great. I weighed in at 136 and blood pressure was good. My cervix is 1.5 cm dilated, 80% effaced, and baby's head is at -1 station. My belly measured 37 weeks. Dr. Wilkes is still thinking I'll have a shorter labor... hoping that's true!
Since week 38 hit, I feel like time has drastically slowed down. The entire pregnancy has gone by really fast until now. In some ways I'm ready to just get this show on the road but other times I feel like I'm not ready yet! I've been praying that God would make this adjustment a smooth one for our family.

The girls rooms are finally done, well almost. :) I am still waiting on the other curtain rod to be delivered for Lily's room and then her room will be complete. Feel so good to finally have their rooms just the way I wanted them! Here's a few pics I took:

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