Friday, July 17

my smart little girl (almost 20 months old!)

Lily is really just exploding with words I feel like now. She says so many things and is starting to put a few things in to sentence form! I'm trying to start working on colors more with her now and counting too.

Lily loves chocolate milk. Somehow she got introduced to it and now is always asking for "choclate."

She hates having her teeth brushed. Loves Yo Gabba Gabba and Imagination Movers. Wants to do everything on her own. Loves going up and down the steps to the pool. Hates being in the pool. Loves blankets and balls. Hates getting water in her eyes. Hates messes or anything dirty. Loves playing with her friends. Loves playing outside. Hates being cooped up. Loves carrots, green beans, mac'n'cheese, bananas, grapes, and grits. Hates broccoli, sandwiches, yogurt raisins. Loves to help me with chores - laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc. Hates having her diaper changed. Loves to wear pj's, dresses, and her bathing suit. Loves to jump.

Lily's personality is really coming out. Here are some words that describe her well - fun loving, passionate, sensitive, cautious, loving, polite (as much as a 1.5 year old can be!). She wants me to play with her all the time if no one else is around!

I can see how her memory is really developing now too. Yesterday morning we had gone to the play area at Macarthur Mall and this little boy accidently knocked her over and she hit her head. Well later that afternoon she was sitting with Matt on the couch. And out of the blue she says to him: "mall, boy, head" in a sad tone. She remembered what had happened and was telling Matt about it. Crazy!

Lily goes to bed at 8pm and gets up between 8 and 9am. She naps around 12:30 to 1:00 anywhere from an hour to 2.5 hours. She loves to sleep with her 2 blankets. Prefers daddy to put her to bed if he's around. Says "amen" after we pray together.

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