Wednesday, July 29

busy toddler and worship change

As you can tell by my length of time between blog posts, the life of a wife/parent to a toddler/youth pastor's wife/friend, etc. keeps me much busier these days. I'm so thankful for all of the blessings that God has given me - wonderful husband, beautiful little girl, family nearby, a good job for Matt, good friends for all 3 of us, a church that is striving to meet the needs of its congregation.

Lily keeps me busy as mom these days. She loves to help with everything - cooking, cleaning, doing laundry. Last night she helped me pound out biscuits for my sister's barbecup recipe. She loved doing that! Her vocabulary just continues to amaze me. She picks up words that I wouldn't even think we emphasize or say that much. It's so nice for her to be able to communicate more with me now and tell me what she wants/needs. Whenever she wants me to pick her up/hold her/pay attention to her she says "see me." And she has great manners - please, thank you, you're welcome, bless you. She's also discovered her "private" area and was asking me last week what that was. I was trying to figure out what word for her to use and all I could come up with was "crotch." So she says crotch now. Anybody else want to chime in on what they tell their little girls their private area is called?

And in other exciting news... our church is going to be revamping the 8:30 service. I'm VERY VERY excited and I think that God is really in this. It's a huge next step for our church. I'm going to be playing keyboard for the service along with the normal youth worship band (jon, nate, david, and matt). Plus Ashley (Jon's girlfriend) will be singing as well. Yay!!


The Tylers said...

Haha, make sure you write that in the baby book.... "Lily said 'crotch' for the first time"... hahaha. And no tips for you on what to call it. I don't know what we'll do when we cross that bridge! :)

Anonymous said...

well Like I've told you before my parents all taught us the correct term so how about vagina?

Calie & Daniel said...

It would be sweet if you guys could make the 11:00 service the one with the more contemporary worship. 8:30 is SOOOOO early to get people engaged, unfortunately. We have trouble at 9 and sometimes 10am. :(