Wednesday, July 1

Matt's Homecoming and a visit from family

June 29th at 2:10PM was a glorious moment. I know some of you might have had much longer periods apart from their husbands (especially military wives), but for me this was the longest Matt and I have been apart since we've been married. It really was the first time (besides a one night trip) that we haven't been together overnight. Crazy, right? So for me, this was a huge deal and I was SOO excited to have him home! The cheesy saying "absence makes the heart grow fonder" is probably a true statement. It definitely reminded me how much I love my husband and all the different things I appreciate about him. I couldn't hardly sleep sunday night because I had the excited jitters!

Their flight ended up actually coming in a half hour early (yay)! We, of course, were at the airport in plenty of time! Wouldn't have missed them walking down the concourse!! That was such a beautiful moment - seeing him walking towards me and the big smile he had on his face. I hugged him like I wasn't going to let him go. :) But I did so Lily could get her hugs in! She definitely was very excited to have him home. The rest of the day she didn't want to let him out of her sight and she just seemed really happy he was around. So sweet!Needless to say, I will be back to my regular not every day blogging. Sorry to disappoint those of you (namely my sister) who loved having me blog everyday with pictures! I don't think I'm a "bad" blogger though - I try to blog at least every few days.

Today I got to meet my cousin's baby girl for the first time!! Beth had Catherine in August last year so she is 10 months old. They live up in Maryland and we just haven't gotten a chance to get up there yet. They are vacationing in Virginia Beach this week so they got to come over today to our house and spend some time hanging out and then we went to lunch together. Catherine is a cutie!! She has this adorable cute low giggle, great skin, and can throw a ball harder than any 10 month old I know! They'll be coming over again tomorrow evening to have dinner with us.

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