Saturday, November 21

2 years old

To my dear sweet Lily:

I can hardly believe that you turn 2 today. This time 2 years ago you were born in to this world and I immediately fell in love. You were the most beautiful sweet baby girl in the whole wide world - 6 pounds 4 ounces, beautiful dark black hair, and an ear shaped just like your dad's. There are no words to describe the wonderfulness of holding you on my chest for the first time right after you came out. Your dad and I were in awe of the miracle of you!
Lily's 1 Year Picture:

Fast forward to today. You are now our beautiful dark brown haired fun loving little girl! The amount of words you have not only astounds me and your dad but everyone else too. You talk in full sentences all the time and can express love, joy, sadness, hurt. You can count to ten and even know some of your colors. You copy a lot of what we say. You love the park, pizza, carrots, dancing, imagination movers, mickey mouse clubhouse, max and ruby, tickle fights, hide and go seek, chase, tea parties, and dresses. You hate diaper changes and getting your hair washed.

You are independent, caring, shy around strangers, determined, passionate.

You love to sing. Some of your favorites are Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Jesus Loves Me, Tick Tock, and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.

You are perfect just the way you are.
Your dad and I are so incredibly proud of the little girl you have become. You make us the happiest parents in the whole wide world. I pray that God would help me to be the best mom that I can possibly be to you.

Happy 2nd Birthday sweet Lily Madelyn!!!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!

Mommy (and Daddy)

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