Wednesday, July 2

saying no and mommies network

How come I already feel like I say no a lot now with my child? It's crazy, she's only 7 months old but she is in to everything that she's not supposed to be of course. Those are the enticing things. As I was just writing, I had to go get up and get her out of our room cause she crawled in there to get the fan on the floor. I'm trying to not use the "no" word with her cause even though she's young I don't want her to hear that all the time. Something I read said you should be more specific with your no's so they don't think that they can do something in general - so say "we cant play with cords" instead of just "no." I just had to go get up again cause she crawled to the tv and was trying to get the cord from the outlet. Yes... it is that often sometimes that I'm going after her! :) Even though it's more work keeping up with her - I love that she's a little crawler. Seeing her achieve new milestones like she should is very rewarding.

Some of you know that I'm a member of Triangle Mommies. (just got up to move Lily again) There is a big online community called Mommies Networks. They have them only for certain areas in the US and you have to live within that community to be able to join. It's a GREAT resource for moms - the forums are great. You can ask all kinds of questions on there and get tons of help and responses. The Triangle network (Raleigh area) is really big. I illegally joined by listing my address as my sister's so I could be a part. There wasn't one for this area. Well.. they FINALLY have gotten one set up - Central Virginia Mommies. It's VERY new so there's not a lot of members yet which doesn't make it as exciting cause the forums aren't very active. But I'm trying to get the word out so more people will join. So if you're a Lynchburg or surrounding area mom - go join and participate!!

And finally just wanted to share a cute recent pic of my sister with her 3 CHILDREN! Yes - I can hardly believe she now has 3 children instead of just 1! I can't wait to see them again and hold them. They're SO cute!! Us "sittig" girls only make beautiful babies though. :)

1 comment:

The Tylers said...

I tried to join the network, but they rejected me! Punks! Haha. Oh well. I tried.